Factores agro-ambientales y genotipicos en relacion con proteinas del gluten y reologia de trigos harineros mexicanos by
- De la O Olan, M
- Espitia Rangel, E
- Lopez Sanchez, H [coaut.]
- Molina Galan, J.D [coaut.]
- Vidal Martinez, V.A.|Coutiño Estrada, B.|Preciado Ortiz, E.|Montes Hernandez, S [eds]
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Santacruz-Varela, A
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Text
Publication details: Estado de Mexico (Mexico) Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenetica, A.C. : 2010
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-6222.
Mining of the global wheat genetic resources by
- Sukhwinder-Singh
- Andrzej Kilian [coaut.]
- Carolina Saint Pierre, C [coaut.]
- Cortez, G.S [coaut.]
- Espinosa Paz, N [coaut.]
- Estrada Campuzano, G [coaut.]
- Figueroa Lopez, P [coaut.]
- Fuentes Davila, G [coaut.]
- Hernandez Muela, V.M [coaut.]
- Hernandez, C [coaut.]
- Ireta Moreno, J [coaut.]
- Juan Burgueño, J [coaut.]
- Martinez Rueda, C.G [coaut.]
- Osorio Alcala, L [coaut.]
- Prashant Vikram, P [coaut.]
- Sawers, R [coaut.]
- Solís Moya, E
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Zamora Villa, V [coaut.]
- Huihui Li
- Payne, T.S
- Wenzl, P [coaut.]
- Charles Chen [coaut.]
- Reynolds, M.P
- Pawan Kumar Singh
- Ortiz-Monasterio, I
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Text
Publication details: 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-7470.
Seeds of discovery : unlocking the genetic potential of maize and wheat genetic resources by
- Wenzl, P
- Baum, M
- Bonnett, D.G
- Braun, H.J
- Brenann, P
- Buckler, E.S
- Burgueño, J
- Charles Chen
- Christen, J.A
- Cibrian, A
- Cortes C., M
- Cortez Gamboa, S
- Costich, D.E
- Crossa, J
- Cruz Larios, L
- Duveiller, E
- Edmeades, G.O
- Moustapha El Bouhssini
- Ellis, M
- Espinoza Banda, A
- Estrada Campuzano, G
- Figueroa López, P
- Franco, J
- Fuentes-Dávila, G
- Gallegos Castillo, G
- Galvez Lopez, J. H
- Gomez, N
- González Ceniceros, F
- Hearne, S
- Hernández Casillas, J. M
- Hernández Muela, V.M
- Ireta Moreno, J
- Kilian, A
- Huihui Li
- Lopes, M.S
- Mahuku, G
- Manjarrez, F.J
- Marshall, D
- Augosto Martinez, C
- Martinez Martinez, M
- Martinez Rueda, C. G
- Mathews, K
- Milne, I
- Ortiz-Monasterio, I
- Ortega Corona, A
- Osorio Alcalá, L
- Palacios-Rojas, N
- Payne, T.S
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
- Petroli, C.D
- Pixley, K.V
- Prasanna, B.M
- Preciado, E
- Reynolds, M.P
- Rivas-Davila, M.E
- Romero, A
- Ron Parra, J
- Ruíz Corral, J. A
- Saint Pierre, C
- Salinas-Garcia, G.E
- Sánchez González, J. J
- Sansaloni, C.P
- Sawers, R
- Shaw, P
- Shrestha, R
- Sierra-Gonzalez, A
- Pawan Kumar Singh
- Sukhwinder-Singh
- Soca Chafre, G
- Solís Moya, E
- Street, K [coaut.]
- Torre, F
- Torres Montalvo, H
- Trachsel, S
- Uszynski, G
- Vallejo, H
- Vidal Martinez, A
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Willcox, M
- Zamora Villa, V
- Herrera Estrella, L
- Fernandez, S
- Banziger, M
Material type: Mixed materials Language: English
Publication details: San Diego, California : Plant and Animal Genome, 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-7543.
Estabilidad del volumen de pan de trigos harineros mexicanos para temporal by
- Espitia, E
- Limon-Ortega, A [coaut.]
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Zavala García, F.|Ortega Paczka, R.|Mejía Contreras, J.A.|Benitez Riquelme, I.|Guillen Andrade, H [eds.]
- Huerta-Espino, J
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Text
Publication details: Montecillo, Tex. (México) SOMEFI : 2000
Other title: - Stability of bread volume of rainfed mexican bread wheat
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-2847.
Calidad industrial de trigos harineros mexicanos para temporal by
- Espitia, E
- Limon-Ortega, A [coaut.]
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Zavala García, F.|Ortega Paczka, R.|Mejía Contreras, J.A.|Benitez Riquelme, I.|Guillen Andrade, H [eds.]
- Huerta-Espino, J
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Text
Publication details: Montecillo, Tex. (México) SOMEFI : 2000
Other title: - End-use quality of rainfed mexican bread wheat
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-2848.
Efecto de diferentes alelos de gluteninas de alto peso molecular sobre las propiedades viscoelasticas de trigos harineros by
- De la O Olan, M
- Espitia Rangel, E
- Molina Galan, J.D [coaut.]
- Pena Ramos, A.|Martinez Peniche, R.A.|Virgen Vargas, J.|De La O Olan, M.|Ramirez Jaspeado, A.|Santacruz Varela, A.|Rangel Fajardo, M.A.|Jasso Mata, J.|Molina Moreno, J.C [eds.]
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Santacruz-Varela, A
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Text
Publication details: Chapingo, Tex. (Mexico) SOMEFI|UACh : 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4937.
Influencia de las gluteninas de alto peso molecular sobre la calidad panadera y contenido de proteinas en trigos harineros by
- De la O Olan, M
- Espitia Rangel, E
- Molina Galan, J.D [coaut.]
- Pena Ramos, A.|Martinez Peniche, R.A.|Virgen Vargas, J.|De La O Olan, M.|Ramirez Jaspeado, A.|Santacruz Varela, A.|Rangel Fajardo, M.A.|Jasso Mata, J.|Molina Moreno, J.C [eds.]
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Santacruz-Varela, A
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Text
Publication details: Chapingo, Tex. (Mexico) SOMEFI|UACh : 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4938.
Efecto de gluteninas de alto peso molecular de los genomas A y B sobre propiedades reologicas y volumen de pan en trigos harineros by
- Martinez Cruz, E
- Benitez Riquelme, I [coaut.]
- Espitia Rangel, E
- Pena Ramos, A [eds.]
- Martinez Peniche, R.A
- Virgen Vargas, J
- De La O Olan, M
- Ramirez Jaspeado, A
- Rangel Fajardo, M.A
- Jasso Mata, J
- Molina Moreno, J.C
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Santacruz-Varela, A
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Article
Publication details: Chapingo, Tex. (Mexico) SOMEFI; UACh : 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4939.
Efecto del complejo GLI-1/GLU-3 sobre propiedades reologicas y volumen de pan en trigos harineros by
- Martinez Cruz, E
- Benitez Riquelme, I [coaut.]
- Espitia Rangel, E
- Pena Ramos, A.|Martinez Peniche, R.A.|Virgen Vargas, J.|De La O Olan, M.|Ramirez Jaspeado, A.|Santacruz Varela, A.|Rangel Fajardo, M.A.|Jasso Mata, J.|Molina Moreno, J.C [eds.]
- Villaseñor Mir, H.E
- Santacruz-Varela, A
- Peña-Bautista, R.J
Material type: Text
Publication details: Chapingo, Tex. (Mexico) SOMEFI|UACh : 2006
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4944.
Registration of 'Tlaxcala F2000' wheat by
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: USA : CSSA : Wiley, 2005
Crop Science v. 45, no. 1, p. 425-426630556
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4269.
Registration of 'Nahuatl F2000' wheat by
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: USA : CSSA : Wiley, 2005
Crop Science v. 45, no. 1, p. 424-425630557
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4270.
Registration of 'Juchi F2000' wheat by
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: USA : CSSA : Wiley, 2005
Crop Science v. 45, no. 1, p. 421-423630558
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4271.