The goat grass genome's role in wheat improvement by
Material type: Article; Format:
; Type of continuing resource:
Language: eng
Publication details: London : Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2018
Nature Plants v. 4, p. 56-58
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Stem rust resistance in wheat is suppressed by a subunit of the mediator complex by
- Hiebert, C.W
- Moscou, M.J
- Hewitt, T
- Steuernagel, B
- Hernández-Pinzón, I
- Green, P
- Pujol, V
- Peng Zhang
- Rouse, M.N
- Yue Jin
- McIntosh, R
- Upadhyaya, N
- Jianping Zhang
- Bhavani, S
- Vrána, J
- Karafiátová, M
- Li Huang
- Fetch, T.G
- Dolezel, J
- Wulff, B.B.H
- Lagudah, E.S
- Spielmeyer, W
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: London (United Kingdom) : Nature Publishing Group, 2020
Nature Communications v. 11, no. 1, art. 1123
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
A recombined Sr26 and Sr61 disease resistance gene stack in wheat encodes unrelated NLR genes by
- Jianping Zhang
- Hewitt, T
- Boshoff, W.H.P
- Dundas, I
- Upadhyaya, H
- Jianbo Li
- Patpour, M
- Chandramohan, S
- Pretorius, Z.A
- Hovmoller, M.S
- Schnippenkoetter, W
- Park, R.F
- Mago, R
- Periyannan, S
- Bhatt, D
- Hoxha, S
- Chakraborty, S
- Ming Luo
- Dodds, P
- Steuernagel, B
- Wulff, B.B.H
- Ayliffe, M.A
- McIntosh, R
- Peng Zhang
- Lagudah, E.S
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: London (United Kingdom) : Nature Publishing Group, 2021
Nature Communications v. 12, art. 3378
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement by
- Gaurav, K
- Sanu Arora
- Silva, P
- Sánchez-Martín, J
- Horsnell, R
- Liangliang Gao
- Brar, G.S
- Widrig, V
- Raupp, W.J
- Narinder Singh
- Shuangye Wu
- Sandip Kale
- Chinoy, C
- Nicholson, P
- Quiroz-Chávez, J
- Simmonds, J
- Hayta, S
- Smedley, M.A
- Harwood, W
- Pearce, S
- Gilbert, D
- Ngonidzashe Kangara
- Gardener, C
- Forner-Martínez, M
- Jiaqian Liu
- Guotai Yu
- Boden, S.A
- Pascucci, A
- Ghosh, S
- Hafeez, A.N
- O’Hara, T
- Waites, J
- Cheema, J
- Steuernagel, B
- Patpour, M
- Justesen, A.F
- Shuyu Liu
- Rudd, J.C
- Avni, R
- Sharon, A
- Steiner, B
- Kirana, R.P
- Buerstmayr, H
- Mehrabi, A.A
- Nasyrova, F.Y
- Chayut, N
- Matny, O
- Steffenson, B.J
- Sandhu, N
- Chhuneja, P
- Lagudah, E.S
- Elkot, A.F
- Tyrrell, S
- Xingdong Bian
- Davey, R. P
- Simonsen, M
- Schauser, L
- Tiwari, V.K
- Kutcher, H.R
- Hucl, P.J
- Aili Li
- Dengcai Liu
- Long Mao
- Xu, S
- Brown-Guedira, G
- Faris, J
- Dvorak, J
- Ming-Cheng Luo
- Krasileva, K
- Lux, T
- Artmeier, S
- Mayer, K.F.X
- Uauy, C
- Mascher, M
- Bentley, A.R
- Keller, B
- Poland, J.A
- Wulff, B.B.H
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: United Kingdom : Nature Publishing Group, 2022
Nature Biotechnology v. 40, no. 3, p. 422-431
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Adult plant stem rust resistance in durum wheat Glossy Huguenot : mapping, marker development and validation by
- Mago, R
- Chunhong Chen
- Xiaodi Xia
- Whan, A
- Forrest, K.L
- Basnet, B.R
- Perera, G
- Chandramohan, S
- Randhawa, M.S
- Hayden, M
- Bansal, U
- Huerta-Espino, J
- Singh, R.P
- Bariana, H.S
- Lagudah, E.S
Material type: Article Language: English
Publication details: Berlin (Germany) : Springer, 2022
Theoretical and Applied Genetics v. 135, p. 1541–1550
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Correction to : Adult plant stem rust resistance in durum wheat Glossy Huguenot: mapping, marker development and validation (Theoretical and Applied Genetics, (2022), 135, 5, (1541-1550), 10.1007/s00122-022-04052-9) by
- Mago, R
- Chunhong Chen
- Xiaodi Xia
- Whan, A
- Forrest, K.L
- Basnet, B.R
- Perera, G
- Chandramohan, S
- Randhawa, M.S
- Hayden, M
- Bansal, U
- Huerta-Espino, J
- Singh, R.P
- Bariana, H.S
- Lagudah, E.S
Material type: Article Language: English
Publication details: Berlin (Germany) : Springer, 2022
Theoretical and Applied Genetics In press
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Origin and evolution of the bread wheat D genome by
- Cavalet-Giorsa, E
- Gonzalez-Munoz, A
- Naveenkumar Athiyannan
- Holden, S
- Adil Salhi
- Gardener, C
- Quiroz-Chávez, J
- Rustamova, S.M
- Elkot, A.F
- Patpour, M
- Awais Rasheed
- Long Mao
- Lagudah, E.S
- Periyannan, S
- Sharon, A
- Himmelbach, A
- Reif, J.C
- Knauft, M
- Mascher, M
- Stein, N
- Chayut, N
- Ghosh, S
- Perovic, D
- Putra, A
- Perera, A.B
- Chia-Yi Hu
- Guotai Yu
- Hanin Ibrahim Ahmed
- Laquai, K.D
- Rivera, L.F
- Renjie Chen
- Yajun Wang
- Xin Gao
- Liu, S
- Raupp, W.J
- Olson, E
- Jong-Yeol Lee
- Chhuneja, P
- Kaur, S
- Peng Zhang
- Park, R.F
- Yi Ding
- Deng-Cai Liu
- Wanlong Li
- Nasyrova, F.Y
- Dvorak, J
- Mehrdad Abbasi
- Meng Li
- Kumar, N
- Meyer, W.B
- Boshoff, W.H.P
- Steffenson, B.J
- Matny, O
- Sharma, P.K
- Tiwari, V.K
- Grewal, S
- Pozniak, C.J
- Harmeet Singh Chawla
- Ens, J
- Dunning, L.T
- Kolmer, J.A
- Lazo, G.R
- Xu, S
- Yong Q. Gu
- Xianyang Xu
- Uauy, C
- Abrouk, M
- Bougouffa, S
- Brar, G.S
- Wulff, B.B.H
- Krattinger, S.G
Material type: Article Language: English
Publication details: London (United Kingdom) : Nature Publishing Group, 2024
Nature v. 633, p. 848–855.
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Wheat genetic resources have avoided disease pandemics, improved food security, and reduced environmental footprints : A review of historical impacts and future opportunities by
- King, J
- Dreisigacker, S
- Reynolds, M.P
- Bandyopadhyay, A
- Braun, H.J
- Crespo-Herrera, L.A
- Crossa, J
- Govindan, V
- Huerta-Espino, J
- Ibba, M.I
- Robles-Zazueta, C.A
- Saint Pierre, C
- Pawan Kumar Singh
- Singh, R.P
- Achary, V.M.M
- Bhavani, S
- Blasch, G
- Shifeng Cheng
- Dempewolf, H
- Flavell, R
- Gerard, G.S
- Grewal, S
- Griffiths, S
- Hawkesford, M.J
- Xinyao He
- Hearne, S
- Hodson, D.P
- Howell, P
- Jalal Kamali, M.R
- Karwat, H
- Kilian, B
- King, I.P
- Kishii, M
- Kommerell, V
- Lagudah, E.S
- Caixia Lan
- Montesinos-Lopez, O.A
- Nicholson, P
- Perez-Rodriguez, P
- Pinto Espinosa, F
- Pixley, K.V
- Rebetzke, G.J
- Rivera Amado, A.C
- Sansaloni, C.P
- Schulthess, U
- Sharma, S
- Shewry, P
- Guntar Subbarao
- Tiwari, T.P
- Trethowan, R.M
- Uauy, C
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: 2024. United States of America : John Wiley & Sons
Global Change Biology v. 30, no. 8, art. e17440
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).