The global adaptation of bread wheat at high latitudes by
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: Dordrecht (Netherlands) : Springer, 2006
Euphytica v. 152, no. 3, p. 303-316634381
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-4822.
Global adaptation patterns of Australian and CIMMYT spring bread wheat by
- Mathews, K
- Chapman, S
- Trethowan, R.M
- Pfeiffer, W.H
- Ginkel, M. Van
- Crossa, J
- Payne, T.S
- DeLacy, I.H
- Fox, P.N
- Cooper, M
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: Berlin (Germany) : Springer, 2007
Theoretical and Applied Genetics v. 115, no. 6, p. 819-835634894
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-5096.
Association analysis of historical bread wheat germplasm using additive genetic covariance of relatives and population structure by
- Crossa, J
- Burgueño, J
- Dreisigacker, S
- Vargas, M
- Herrera-Foessel, S
- Lillemo, M
- Singh, R.P
- Trethowan, R.M
- Warburton, M.L
- Franco, J
- Reynolds, M.P
- Crouch, J.H
- Ortiz, R
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: USA : Genetics Society of America, 2007
Genetics v. 177, no. 3, p. 1889-1913634959
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-5124.
Dimensions of diversity in CIMMYT bread wheat from 1965 to 2000 by
- Smale, M
- Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Mexico DF (Mexico)
- Almanza Pinzon, M.I [coaut.]
- Khairallah, M.M [coaut.]
- Trethowan, R.M
- Warburton, M [coaut.]
- Singh, R.P
- Reynolds, M.P
- Ortiz-Monasterio, I
- Crossa, J
- Skovmand, B [coaut.]
Material type: Text
Publication details: Mexico, DF (Mexico) : CIMMYT, 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (2)Call number: CIM 0111-R, ...
Wheat genetic resources have avoided disease pandemics, improved food security, and reduced environmental footprints : A review of historical impacts and future opportunities by
- King, J
- Dreisigacker, S
- Reynolds, M.P
- Bandyopadhyay, A
- Braun, H.J
- Crespo-Herrera, L.A
- Crossa, J
- Govindan, V
- Huerta-Espino, J
- Ibba, M.I
- Robles-Zazueta, C.A
- Saint Pierre, C
- Pawan Kumar Singh
- Singh, R.P
- Achary, V.M.M
- Bhavani, S
- Blasch, G
- Shifeng Cheng
- Dempewolf, H
- Flavell, R
- Gerard, G.S
- Grewal, S
- Griffiths, S
- Hawkesford, M.J
- Xinyao He
- Hearne, S
- Hodson, D.P
- Howell, P
- Jalal Kamali, M.R
- Karwat, H
- Kilian, B
- King, I.P
- Kishii, M
- Kommerell, V
- Lagudah, E.S
- Caixia Lan
- Montesinos-Lopez, O.A
- Nicholson, P
- Perez-Rodriguez, P
- Pinto Espinosa, F
- Pixley, K.V
- Rebetzke, G.J
- Rivera Amado, A.C
- Sansaloni, C.P
- Schulthess, U
- Sharma, S
- Shewry, P
- Guntar Subbarao
- Tiwari, T.P
- Trethowan, R.M
- Uauy, C
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: 2024. United States of America : John Wiley & Sons
Global Change Biology v. 30, no. 8, art. e17440
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).