Diversity Arrays Technology: A Generic Genome Profiling Technology on Open Platforms by
- Kilian, A
- Aschenbrenner-Kilian, M [coaut.]
- Blois, H [coaut.]
- Caig, V [coaut.]
- Cayla, C [coaut.]
- Evers, M [coaut.]
- Heller-Uszynska, K [coaut.]
- Hok, P [coaut.]
- Hopper, C [coaut.]
- Huttner, E [coaut.]
- Jaccoud, D [coaut.]
- Ling Xia [coaut.]
- Peng, K [coaut.]
- Uszynski, G [coaut.]
- Carling, J [coaut.]
- Wenzl, P [coaut.]
Series: Methods in Molecular Biology ; N. 888
Material type: Text Language: En
Publication details: New York Humana Press : 2012
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
A reference linkage map for Eucalyptus by
- Hudson, C.J
- Detering, F [coaut.]
- Freeman, J.S [coaut.]
- Grattapaglia, D [coaut.]
- Kilian, A [coaut.]
- Kullan, A.R.K [coaut.]
- Myburg, A.A [coaut.]
- Potts, B.M [coaut.]
- Vaillancourt, R.E [coaut.]
- Petroli, C.D
- Sansaloni, C.P
Material type: Article Language: En
Publication details: 2012
BMC Genomics v. 13, p. 240-250
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Seeds of discovery (SeeD) by
- Wenzl, P
- Hickey, J.M
- Kilian, A
- Buckler, E.S
- Marshall, D
- Sansaloni, C.P
- Molnar, T.L
- Pixley, K.V
- Sukhwinder-Singh
- Burgueño, J
- Hearne, S
- Charles Chen
- Salinas-Garcia, G.E
- Saint Pierre, C
Material type: Mixed materials Language: English
Publication details: Place of publication not identified : CIMMYT ; SAGARPA ; CGIAR, 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Developing genomic resources for enabling genomics-assisted breeding in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) by
- Varshney, R
- Cook, D [coaut.]
- Eshete, M [coaut.]
- Farmer, A [coaut.]
- Gaur, P [coaut.]
- Gujaria, N [coaut.]
- Hiremath, P [coaut.]
- Jahnavi, K [coaut.]
- Kashiwagi, J [coaut.]
- Kileo, R [coaut.]
- Kilian, A [coaut.]
- Kimurto, P [coaut.]
- May, G [coaut.]
- Nayak, S [coaut.]
- NVPR Ganga Rao [coaut.]
- PB Kavi Kishor [coaut.]
- Sharma, H [coaut.]
- Sivakumar, C [coaut.]
- Srinivasan, R [coaut.]
- Srivani, G [coaut.]
- Thakur, V [coaut.]
- Thudi, M [coaut.]
- Town, C [coaut.]
- Tripathi, S [coaut.]
- Woodward, J [coaut.]
- Yongli Xiao [coaut.]
Material type: Text
Publication details: 2010
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-6168.
Reconstruction of the Synthetic W7984 × Opata M85 wheat reference population by
- Sorrells, M.E
- Gustafson, J.P
- Somers, D
- Shiaoman Chao
- Benscher, D
- Brown-Guedira, G
- Huttner, E
- Kilian, A
- McGuire, P.E
- Ross, K
- Tanaka, J
- Wenzl, P
- Williams, K
- Qualset, C.O
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: Ontario (Canada) : National Research Council of Canada, 2011
Genome v. 54, no. 11, p. 875-882
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-6472.
Genomic selection for growth and wood quality in Eucalyptus: capturing the missing heritability and accelerating breeding for complex traits in forest trees by
- Resende, M.D.V
- Abad, J.M [coaut.]
- Aguiar, A.M [coaut.]
- Faria, D.A [coaut.]
- Grattapaglia, D [coaut.]
- Kilian, A [coaut.]
- Missiaggia, A.A [coaut.]
- Pappas, G.J [coaut.]
- Resende, M.F.R [coaut.]
- Rosado, A.M [coaut.]
- Takahashi, E.K [coaut.]
- Petroli, C.D
- Sansaloni, C.P
Material type: Article Language: En
Publication details: 2012
New Phytologist v. 194, p. 116-128
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Analysis of the Genetic Structure of a Barley Collection Using DNA Diversity Array Technology (DArT) by
- Ovesna, J
- Huttner, E [coaut.]
- Kilian, A [coaut.]
- Kucera, L [coaut.]
- Martelli, G [coaut.]
- Milella, L [coaut.]
- Milotova, J [coaut.]
- Snape, J [coaut.]
- Vaculova, K [coaut.]
- Wenzl, P [coaut.]
Material type: Article Language: En
Publication details: 2013
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter v. 31, no. 2, p. 280-288
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Genomic characterization of DArT markers based on high-density linkage analysis and physical mapping to the Eucalyptus genome by
- Petroli, C.D
- Bonfim da Silva Jr., O [coaut.]
- Grattapaglia, D [coaut.]
- Kilian, A [coaut.]
- Myburg, A.A [coaut.]
- Pappas, G.J [coaut.]
- Steane, D.A [coaut.]
- Vaillancourt, R.E [coaut.]
- Carling, J [coaut.]
- Sansaloni, C.P
Material type: Article Language: En
Publication details: 2012
PLoS ONE v. 7, no. 9, p. e44684
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
From genebank to field- leveraging genomics to identify and bring novel native variation to breeding pools by
- Hearne, S
- Romero, A
- Hickey, J.M
- Kilian, A
- Buckler, E.S
- Marshall, D
- Petroli, C.D
- Sansaloni, C.P
- Molnar, T.L
- Pixley, K.V
- Wenzl, P
- Sukhwinder-Singh
- Burgueño, J
- Charles Chen
- Salinas-Garcia, G.E
- Willcox, M
- Saint Pierre, C
- Crossa, J
Material type: Mixed materials Language: English
Publication details: Hyderabad (India) : CIMMYT ; SAGARPA ; CGIAR, 2016
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Erratum : Author Correction: Ethiopia's transforming wheat landscape: tracking variety use through DNA fingerprinting (Scientific reports (2020) 10 1 (18532)) by
- Hodson, D.P
- Debello, M. J
- Fantaye, K.T
- Yirga, C
- Beyene, H
- Kilian, A
- Carling, J
- Disasa, T
- Alemu, S.K
- Daba, T
- Misganaw, A
- Negisho, K
- Alemayehu, Y
- Badebo, A
- Abeyo Bekele Geleta
- Erenstein, O
Material type: Article Language: English
Publication details: London (United Kingdom) : Nature Publishing Group, 2023
Scientific reports v. 13, no. 1, art. 2617
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).