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Arquitectura de la planta de maiz by
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: 1976
In: Programa Cooperativo Centroamericano para el Mejoramiento de Cultivos y Animales (PCCMCA), 22610930, 610931, 611864
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (3)Call number: CIS-408, ...

[Cultural practice [Plantation; Maize; Plant population; Zea mays; Brazil]] by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: 1978
Other title:
  • Praticas culturais [Plantio; Populacao de planta; Milho; Zea mays; Brasil]
In: Paterniani, E. (ed.). Fundacao Cargill, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). [Improvement and production of maize in Brazil]. Melhoramento e producao do milho no Brasil. Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). 1978. p. 376-428
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 80-513639.

Influencia de las concentraciones de P y Fe en el medio nutritivo sobre el desarrollo de la planta de maiz (Zea mays L .). by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1982
In: Agrochimica v. 26, no. 1, p. 31-37601805
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: REP-2981.

Evaluacion de variedades tropicales de maiz de planta baja en el estado de Veracruz by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1984
In: Fitotecnia v. 5, no. 6, p. 24-35608170
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: REP-3334.

Interacciones suelo-planta-raiz en el proceso de absorcion de agua por las plantas by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1979
In: Boletin Tecnico no. 44, p. 17-25619628
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-474.

Estudio de la accion ejercida sobre la planta de maiz por el acido humico de un estiercol extraido por dos extractantes, 1: Accion sobre la parte aerea by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1975
Other title:
  • Study on the action produced on maize plant by the humic acid of manure got from two extractive agents, 1: Action on the aereal part
In: Anales de Edafologia y Agrobiologia v. 34, no. 11-12, p. 971-98177-134941
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 77-134941.

Estudio de la accion ejercida sobre la planta de maiz por el acido humico de un estiercol extraido por dos extractantes, 2: Accion sobre la raiz by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1975
Other title:
  • Study of the action produced on maize plant by the humic acid of manure extracted from two extractive agents, 2: Action on the root
In: Anales de Edafologia y Agrobiologia v. 34, no. 11-12, p. 983-99077-134942
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 77-134942.

Estudio de algunos de los factores fisiologicos que determinan la capacidad productiva de la planta de trigo, 4: Interaccion entre las aplicaciones de fertilizante nitrogenado en la fase de ahijado (cobertera temprana) y la variedad by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1979
Other title:
  • Investigations on some physiological factors that determine the productive capacity of wheat plants, 4: Interaction between applications of nitrogen fertilizers and two wheat varieties
In: Anales de Edafologia y Agrobiologia v. 38, no. 11-12, p. 2115-2123. Received at the Input Centre Feb 198181-653879
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 81-653879.

Estudio de algunos de los factores fisiologicos que determinan la capacidad productiva de la planta de trigo, 3: Efecto comparativo de las aplicaciones foliares de azufre elemental pulverizado y de acido 2-cloro-etil-fosfonico (Ethrel) by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1979
Other title:
  • Investigations on some physiological factors that determine the productive capacity of wheat plants, 3: Comparative effects of foliar applications of dusted elemental sulphur and ethrel
In: Anales de Edafologia y Agrobiologia v. 38, no. 11-12, p. 2105-211381-654499
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 81-654499.

Variacion de la materia fresca y seca de diferentes partes de la planta de maiz (Zea mays L.) en distintos estados vegetativos by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1980
Other title:
  • Variation of dry and fresh substance of different parts of maize plant (Zea mays L.) at different vegetative stages
In: Agrochimica v. 24, no. 5-6, p. 443-44982-766291
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 82-766291.

Relacion del contenido de lisina y triptofano con el de zeina, durante la germinacion del grano de maiz y su posible vinculacion con el ciclo vegetativo de la planta [Zea mays, prolaminas] by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1980
Other title:
  • Relationship of lysine and tryptophan content with that of zein during germination of corn grain, and its possible entailment with the vegetative cycle of the plant [Zea mays]
In: Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion v. 30, no. 4, p. 607-63382-811231
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 82-811231.

Evaluacion de triticales hexaploides en Valdivia, Chile. 1: Variabilidad de los componentes del rendimiento, espigadura y altura de la planta by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1984
Other title:
  • Evaluation of hexaploid triticales in Valdivia, Chile. 1: Yield components, yield heading date and plant height variability
In: Agro Sur v. 12, no. 2, p. 114-11886-001239
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 86-001239.

Relacion entre longitud de coleoptilo y altura adulta en trigos candeales, Triticum durum Desf. [anatomia de la planta] by
Material type: Article Article
Language: Es
Publication details: 1980
Other title:
  • Coleoptile length and mature plant height association in durum wheat, Triticum durum Desf. [plant anatomy
In: Agricultura Tecnica v. 40, no. 1, p. 18-2181-596261
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 81-596261.

Seleção para período de florescimento e estatura de planta e seu efeito no rendimento de grãos de trigo by
Material type: Article Article; Type of continuing resource: periodical
Language: Portuguese
Publication details: Brazil : Embrapa, 1997
In: Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira v. 32, no. 11, p. 1167-1176628237
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-2028.


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