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Teoria genetico-estadistica y procedimientos utiles para el estudio de las variedades y cruzamientos inter-varietales de maiz by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; No. 2
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: Mexico, DF (Mexico) : CIMMYT, 1966
Other title:
  • Statistical genetic theory and procedures useful in studying varieties and intervarietal crosses in maize
In: Heterosis en cruzas intervarietales de maiz618121
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: Look under series title.

Trigo hibrido: Su potencial para alimentar una creciente poblacion mundial by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; No. 3
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: Mexico, DF (Mexico) : CIMMYT, 1966
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (2)Call number: B5668-R, ...

Tecnicas de campo para experimentos con fertilizantes by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; 9
Material type: Text Text; Nature of contents: biography
Language: Spanish
Publication details: Mexico : CIMMYT, 1968
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: Look under series title.

Epidemiología de las royas del trigo en el hemisferio occidental by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; 27
Material type: Text Text
Language: Spanish
Publication details: Mexico : CIMMYT, 1974
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: Look under series title.

Germoplasma exótico para el mejoramiento del maíz en los Estados Unidos by Series: CIMMYT. Folleto de investigacion ; 4
Material type: Text Text; Nature of contents: biography
Language: Spanish
Publication details: Mexico : CIMMYT, 1966
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (2)Call number: Look under series title, ...

Mejoramiento genetico del anfiploide triticale by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; No. 6
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: Mexico, DF (Mexico) : CIMMYT, 1967
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: Look under series title.

Mejoramiento e investigación sobre triticale en el CIMMYT : informe de avances by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; 24
Material type: Text Text; Literary form: Essays
Language: Spanish
Publication details: Mexico : CIMMYT, 1973
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: Look under series title. Not available: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library: Lost (1).

Metodos quimicos usados en el CIMMYT para determinar la calidad de la proteina del maiz by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; 20
Material type: Continuing resource Continuing resource; Type of continuing resource: series
Language: Spanish
Publication details: Mexico : CIMMYT, 1971
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: Look under series title. Not available: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library: Lost (1).

Diseño de tratamientos para la experimentacion sobre uso de fertilizantes by Series: CIMMYT Folleto de Investigacion ; No. 26
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: Mexico, DF (Mexico) : CIMMYT, 1973
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: Look under series title.


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