Biolistic and agrobacterium transformation of tropical inbred maize by
- Bohorova, N.E
- Brito, R.M [coaut.]
- Castillo, C.R [coaut.]
- Díaz, L [coaut.]
- Díaz, R [coaut.]
- Estañol, P [coaut.]
- Frutos, R [coaut.]
- Hoisington, D.A [coaut.]
- Julstrom, P [coaut.]
- Luna Garrido, B [coaut.]
- McLean, S.D [coaut.]
- Ordoñez, R.V [coaut.]
- Ramos, M.E [coaut.]
- Salgado, M [coaut.]
- Vergara, G [coaut.]
- Zhang, W [coaut.]
- Willcox, M [coaut.]
Material type: Text
Publication details: 1997
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology : Plant v. 33, no. 3, p. 64A627977
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-2245.
Routine transformation system for use with CIMMYT wheat varieties by
- Pellegrineschi, A
- Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Mexico DF (Mexico)
- Brito, R.M [coaut.]
- Fennell, S [coaut.]
- Hernández, R [coaut.]
- Hoisington, D.A [coaut.]
- Kohli, M.M.|Francis, M [eds.]
- McLean, S.D [coaut.]
- Olivares, J.J [coaut.]
- Salgado, M [coaut.]
- Velázquez, L [coaut.]
Material type: Text
Publication details: Montevideo (Uruguay) CIMMYT : 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-2460.
Transgenic wheat plants: A powerful breeding sources by
- Pellegrineschi, A
- 6. Proceedings of the international wheat conference Budapest (Hungary) 5-9 Jun 2000
- Bedo, Z.|Lang, L [eds.]
- Brito, R.M [coaut.]
- Hernández, R [coaut.]
- Hoisington, D.A [coaut.]
- McLean, S [coaut.]
- Medhurst, A [coaut.]
- Noguera, M [coaut.]
- Salgado, M [coaut.]
- Velázquez, L [coaut.]
Material type: Text
Publication details: Kluwer Academic Publishers : 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-3453.
Production of transgenic tropical maize with cryIAb and cryIAc genes via microprojectile bombardment of immature embryos by
- Bohorova, N
- Zhang, W
- Julstrum, P
- McLean, S
- Luna-Garrido, B
- Brito, R.M
- Diaz, L
- Ramos, M.E
- Estanol, P
- Pacheco, M
- Salgado M.M
- Hoisington, D
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: Berlin (Germany) : Springer, 1999
Theoretical and Applied Genetics v. 99, no. 3-4, p. 437-444649047
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-2459.
HV-521 C, Hibrido varietal de maiz de calidad proteínica para el trópico húmedo de México by
- Gomez, N
- Sierra-Macias, M
- Espinosa Calderón, A
- Rodríguez Montalvo, F.A
- Cantú Almaguer, M.A
- Cordova, H
- Vergara, N
- Sandoval Rincón, J.A
- Palafox-Caballero, A
- Manjarrez Salgado, M
- Cano, O
- González Corona, M
- Betanzos Mendoza, E
- Barrón Freyre, S [.]
- Romero Mora, J
- Caballero Hernández, F
- Turrent-Fernández, A
- García Berber, A
- Ramírez Jaramillo, G
- Coutiño-Estrada, B
- Cervantes, E
- Reyes Méndez, C.A
- Nava Vargas, L
- Vazquez-Carrillo, M.G
Material type: Article Language: English
Publication details: Mexico : INIFAP, 2003
Other title: - HV-521 C, Quality protein maize varietal hybrid for the humid tropic of México
Agricultura Tecnica en Mexico v. 29, no. 2, p. 227-231632821
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-3961.