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Avances en tecnología de fertilización para producir trigo con alta proteina by Series: Publicacion Especial ; no. 6
Material type: Article Article; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Language: Spanish
Publication details: Ciudad Obregon, Son. (Mexico) : INIFAP, 1999
In: Día del agricultor 1999: Norman E. Borlaug p. 14-17
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-3432.

Tecnología moderna para la producción de trigo by
Material type: Text Text
Publication details: Ciudad Obregón, Son. (México) INIFAP : 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 633.11072 SIM.

Guia para producir trigo en el Sur de Sonora by Series: SARH-CAEVY Folleto para Productores ; No. 14
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: Ciudad Obregon, Son. (Mexico) : SARH. Campo Agricola Experimental Valle del Yaqui, 1986
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: REP-8119.

Guia para recolectar muestras de suelo by Series: SARH-INIA Folleto Miscelaneo ; No. 3
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: Ciudad Obregon, Son. (Mexico) : SARH-INIA. Campo Agricola Experimental Valle del Yaqui, 1985
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: REP-8180.

Guia para producir trigo en el sur de Sonora by Series: SARH-CAEVY Folleto para productores ; No. 16
Material type: Text Text
Language: Es
Publication details: Ciudad Obregon, Son. (Mexico) : SARH. Campo Experimental Valle del Yaqui, 1987
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: REP-8120.


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