Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production by
- Asseng, S
- Anothai, J [coaut.]
- Basso, B [coaut.]
- Biernath, C
- Cammarano, D
- Challinor, A.J
- De Sanctis, G [coaut.]
- Doltra, J [coaut.]
- Ewert, F [coaut.]
- Rezaei, E.E
- Fereres, E [coaut.]
- Garcia-Vila, M [coaut.]
- Gayler, S
- Hoogenboom, G [coaut.]
- Hunt, L.A [coaut.]
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jabloun, M [coaut.]
- Jones, C.D [coaut.]
- Kersebaum, K.C [coaut.]
- Kimball, B.A [coaut.]
- Koehler, A-K [coaut.]
- Lobell, D.B [coaut.]
- Martre, P [coaut.]
- Muller, C
- Naresh Kumar, S [coaut.]
- Nendel, C [coaut.]
- O?Leary, G [coaut.]
- Olesen, J.E [coaut.]
- Ottman, M.J [coaut.]
- Palosuo, T [coaut.]
- Prasad, P.V.V [coaut.]
- Priesack, E [coaut.]
- R÷tter, R.P [coaut.]
- Ruane, A.C [coaut.]
- Semenov, M.A [coaut.]
- Shcherbak, I
- Stockle, C
- Stratonovitch, P [coaut.]
- Streck, T [coaut.]
- Supit, I [coaut.]
- Tao, F [coaut.]
- Thorburn, P. J [coaut.]
- Waha, K [coaut.]
- Wall, G.W [coaut.]
- Wallach, D [coaut.]
- Wang, E
- White, J.W [coaut.]
- Wolf, J [coaut.]
- Zhao, Z [coaut.]
- Zhu, Y [coaut.]
- Reynolds, M.P
- Alderman, P.D
- Aggarwal, P.K
Material type: Article Language: En
Publication details: 2014
Nature Climate Change
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Similar estimates of temperature impacts on global wheat yield by three independent methods by
- Bing Liu
- Asseng, S
- Muller, C
- Ewert, F
- Elliott, J
- Lobell, D.B
- Martre, P
- Ruane, A.C
- Wallach, D
- Jones, J.W
- Rosenzweig, C
- Aggarwal, P.K
- Alderman, P.D
- Anothai, J
- Basso, B
- Biernath, C
- Cammarano, D
- Challinor, A.J
- Deryng, D
- Sanctis, G
- Doltra, J
- Fereres, E
- Folberth, C
- Garcia-Vila, M
- Gayler, S
- Hoogenboom, G
- Hunt, L.A
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jabloun, M
- Jones, C.D
- Kersebaum, K.C
- Kimball, B.A
- Koehler, A.K
- Soora Naresh Kumar
- Nendel, C
- O'Leary, G.J
- Olesen, J.E
- Ottman, M.J
- Palosuo, T
- Prasad, P.V.V
- Priesack, E
- Pugh, T
- Reynolds, M.P
- Rezaei, E.E
- Rotter, R
- Schmid, E
- Semenov, M.A
- Shcherbak, I
- Stehfest, E
- Stockle, C
- Stratonovitch, P
- Streck, T
- Supit, I
- Fulu Tao
- Thorburn, P.J
- Waha, K
- Wall, G.W
- Wang, E
- White, J.W
- Wolf, J
- Zhigan Zhao
- Zhu, Y
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: London, United Kingdom : Nature Publishing Group, 2016
Nature Climate Change v. 6, no. 12, p. 1130-1136
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Inter-comparison of wheat models to identify knowledge gaps and improve process modeling by
- Wang, E
- Martre, P
- Asseng, S
- Ewert, F
- Zhao, Z
- Maiorano, A
- Rotter, R
- Kimball, B.A
- Ottman, M.J
- Wall, G.W
- White, J.W
- Alderman, P.D
- Anothai, J
- Basso, B
- Biernath, C
- Cammarano, D
- Challinor, A.J
- Sanctis, G
- Doltra, J
- Fereres, E
- Garcia-Vila, M
- Gayler, S
- Hoogenboom, G
- Hunt, L.A
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jabloun, M
- Jones, C.D
- Kersebaum, K.C
- Koehler, A.K
- Muller, C
- Liu, L
- Nendel, C
- O'Leary, G.J
- Olesen, J.E
- Palosuo, T
- Priesack, E
- Reynolds, M.P
- Rezaei, E.E
- Ripoche, D
- Ruane, A.C
- Semenov, M.A
- Shcherbak, I
- Stockle, C
- Stratonovitch, P
- Streck, T
- Supit, I
- Fulu Tao
- Thorburn, P.J
- Waha, K
- Wallach, D
- Wolf, J
- Zhu, Y
- Aggarwal, P.K
- Soora Naresh Kumar
Material type: Article; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publication details: Berlin : ICROPM, 2016
Crop Modelling for Agriculture and Food Security under Global Change p. 165
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Chapter O155. The impact of climate change on global wheat production by
- Asseng, S
- Martre, P
- Maiorano, A
- Rotter, R
- O'Leary, G.J
- Fitzgerald, G
- Girousse, C
- Baber, M.A
- Reynolds, M.P
- Kheir, A.M.S
- Thorburn, P.J
- Waha, K
- Ruane, A.C
- Ahmed, M
- Balkovic, J
- Basso, B
- Berger, A
- Biernath, C
- Bindi, M
- Cammarano, D
- Challinor, A.J
- De Sanctis, G
- Doltra, J
- Dumont, B
- Rezaei, E.E
- Fereres, E
- Ferrise, R
- Garcia-Vila, M
- Gayler, S
- Hoogenboom, G
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jabloun, M
- Jones, C.D
- Kassie, B.T
- Kersebaum, K.C
- Klein, C
- Koehler, A.K
- Liu, B
- Minoli, S
- Montesino San Martin, M
- Muller, C
- Nendel, C
- Olesen, J.E
- Palosuo, T
- Porter, J.R
- Priesack, E
- Ripoche, D
- Semenov, M.A
- Stockle, C
- Stratonovitch, P
- Streck, T
- Supit, I
- Tao, F
- Van der Velde, M
- Wallach, D
- Wang, E
- Webber, H
- Wolf, J
- Woli, P
- Zhang, Z
- Zhu, Y
- Ewert, F
- Aggarwal, P.K
- Soora Naresh Kumar
Material type: Article; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: Beijing, China : DBN, 2016
7th International Crop Science Congress p. 47-48
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
The uncertainty of crop yield projections is reduced by improved temperature response functions by
- Wang, E
- Martre, P
- Zhigan Zhao
- Ewert, F
- Maiorano, A
- Rotter, R
- Kimball, B.A
- Ottman, M.J
- Wall, G.W
- White, J.W
- Reynolds, M.P
- Alderman, P.D
- Anothai, J
- Basso, B
- Biernath, C
- Cammarano, D
- Challinor, A.J
- Sanctis, G
- Doltra, J
- Fereres, E
- Garcia-Vila, M
- Gayler, S
- Hoogenboom, G
- Hunt, L.A
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jabloun, M
- Jones, C.D
- Kersebaum, K.C
- Koehler, A.K
- Leilei Liu
- Muller, C
- Nendel, C
- O’Leary, G.J
- Olesen, J.E
- Palosuo, T
- Priesack, E
- Rezaei, E.E
- Ripoche, D
- Ruane, A.C
- Semenov, M.A
- Shcherbak, I
- Stockle, C
- Stratonovitch, P
- Streck, T
- Supit, I
- Fulu Tao
- Thorburn, P.J
- Waha, K
- Wallach, D
- Wang Zhi-Min
- Wolf, J
- Zhu, Y
- Asseng, S
- Aggarwal, P.K
- Soora Naresh Kumar
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: London : Nature Publishing Group, 2017
Nature Plants v. 3, no. 17102, p. 1-11
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
The international heat stress genotype experiment for modeling wheat response to heat : field experiments and AgMIP-Wheat multi-model simulations by
- Martre, P
- Reynolds, M.P
- Asseng, S
- Ewert, F
- Alderman, P.D
- Cammarano, D
- Maiorano, A
- Ruane, A.C
- Aggarwal, P.K
- Anothai, J
- Basso, B
- Biernath, C
- Challinor, A.J
- Sanctis, G
- Doltra, J
- Dumont, B
- Fereres, E
- Garcia-Vila, M
- Gayler, S
- Hoogenboom, G
- Hunt, L.A
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jabloun, M
- Jones, C.D
- Kassie, B.T
- Kersebaum, K.C
- Koehler, A.K
- Muller, C
- Soora Naresh Kumar
- Bing Liu
- Lobell, D.B
- Nendel, C
- O'Leary, G.J
- Olesen, J.E
- Palosuo, T
- Priesack, E
- Rezaei, E.E
- Ripoche, D
- Rotter, R
- Semenov, M.A
- Stockle, C
- Stratonovitch, P
- Streck, T
- Supit, I
- Fulu Tao
- Thorburn, P.J
- Waha, K
- Wang, E
- White, J.W
- Wolf, J
- Zhigan Zhao
- Yan Zhu
Material type: Article; Format:
; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: [ s . l . ] : OJS/PKP, 2017
Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research v. 3, p. 23-28
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein by
- Asseng, S
- Martre, P
- Maiorano, A
- Rotter, R
- O'Leary, G.J
- Fitzgerald, G
- Girousse, C
- Motzo, R
- Giunta, F
- M. Ali Babar
- Reynolds, M.P
- Kheir, A.M.S
- Thorburn, P.J
- Waha, K
- Ruane, A.C
- Aggarwal, P.K
- Mukhtar Ahmed
- Balkovic, J
- Basso, B
- Biernath, C
- Bindi, M
- Cammarano, D
- Challinor, A.J
- De Sanctis, G
- Dumont, B
- Rezaei, E.E
- Fereres, E
- Ferrise, R
- Garcia-Vila, M
- Gayler, S
- Yujing Gao
- Horan, H
- Hoogenboom, G
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jabloun, M
- Jones, C.D
- Kassie, B.T
- Kersebaum, K.C
- Klein, C
- Koehler, A.K
- Bing Liu
- Minoli, S
- Montesino San Martin, M
- Muller, C
- Soora Naresh Kumar
- Nendel, C
- Olesen, J.E
- Palosuo, T
- Porter, J.R
- Priesack, E
- Ripoche, D
- Semenov, M.A
- Stockle, C
- Stratonovitch, P
- Streck, T
- Supit, I
- Fulu Tao
- Van der Velde, M
- Wallach, D
- Wang, E
- Webber, H
- Wolf, J
- Liujun Xiao
- Zhao Zhang
- Zhigan Zhao
- Yan Zhu
- Ewert, F
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2019
Global Change Biology v. 25, no. 1, p. 155-173
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Global wheat production with 1.5 and 2.0°C above pre-industrial warming by
- Bing Liu
- Martre, P
- Ewert, F
- Porter, J.R
- Challinor, A.J
- Muller, C
- Ruane, A.C
- Waha, K
- Thorburn, P.J
- Aggarwal, P.K
- Mukhtar Ahmed
- Balkovic, J
- Basso, B
- Biernath, C
- Bindi, M
- Cammarano, D
- De Sanctis, G
- Dumont, B
- Espadafor, M
- Rezaei, E.E
- Ferrise, R
- Garcia-Vila, M
- Gayler, S
- Yujing Gao
- Horan, H
- Hoogenboom, G
- Izaurralde, R.C
- Jones, C.D
- Kassie, B.T
- Kersebaum, K.C
- Klein, C
- Koehler, A.K
- Maiorano, A
- Minoli, S
- Montesino San Martin, M
- Soora Naresh Kumar
- Nendel, C
- O’Leary, G.J
- Palosuo, T
- Priesack, E
- Ripoche, D
- Rotter, R
- Semenov, M.A
- Stockle, C
- Streck, T
- Supit, I
- Fulu Tao
- Van der Velde, M
- Wallach, D
- Wang, E
- Webber, H
- Wolf, J
- Liujun Xiao
- Zhao Zhang
- Zhigan Zhao
- Yan Zhu
- Asseng, S
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: USA : Wiley, 2019
Global Change Biology v. 25, no. 4, p. 1428-1444
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).