Molecular marker analysis and validation of resistance to Cassava Mosaic disease in elite Cassava genotypes in Nigeria by
- Okogbenin, E
- Akinbo, O [coaut.]
- Baiyeri, S [coaut.]
- de Vicente, M.C [coaut.]
- Egesi, C.N [coaut.]
- Ewa, F [coaut.]
- Fregene, M [coaut.]
- Gomez-Becerra, H.F [coaut.]
- Hurtado, P [coaut.]
- Kahya, S [coaut.]
- Marin, J.P [coaut.]
- Mba, C [coaut.]
- Ogundapo, O [coaut.]
- Olasanmi, B [coaut.]
- Uguru, M [coaut.]
Material type: Article Language: En
Publication details: 2012
Crop Science v. 52, no. 6, p. 2576-2586
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Conversion and validation of uniplex SNP markers for selection of resistance to cassava mosaic disease in cassava breeding programs by
- Ige, A.D
- Olasanmi, B
- Mbanjo, E.G.N
- Kayondo, I.S
- Parkes, E
- Kulakow, P
- Egesi, C.N
- Bauchet, G.J
- Eng Hwa Ng
- Becerra Lopez-Lavalle, L.A
- Ceballos, H
- Rabbi, I
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: Basel (Switzerland) : MDPI, 2021
Agronomy v. 11, no. 3, art. 420
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).