The CSISA wheat phenotyping network by
- Pask, A.J.D
- Balasubramaniam, A
- Barma, N.C.D
- Chatrath, R [coaut.]
- Guatam, N.R [coaut.]
- Hakim, A [coaut.]
- Hussain, M [coaut.]
- Kalappanavar, I.K [coaut.]
- Mavi, G.S [coaut.]
- Mishra, V.K [coaut.]
- Mujahid, Y [coaut.]
- Reynolds, M.P.|Braun, H.J [Eds.]
- Sharma, I [coaut.]
- Singh, G.P [coaut.]
- Sohu, V.S [coaut.]
- Sukaru, V.S.P [coaut.]
- Reynolds, M.P
- Joshi, A.K
Material type: Text
Publication details: Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 2013
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-7232.
Harnessing genetic diversity to protect world wheat from stem rust by
- Ward, R
- Bowden, R.L [coaut.]
- Chaves, M.S [coaut.]
- Fetch, T [coaut.]
- Hussain, M [coaut.]
- Park, R [coaut.]
- Pumphrey, M
- Rouse, M.N [coaut.]
- Sharma, I [coaut.]
- Steffenson, B [coaut.]
- Szabo, L.J [coaut.]
- Xu, S.S [coaut.]
- Yue Jin [coaut.]
- Pretorius, Z.A
- Payne, T.S
- Singh, R.P
Material type: Text
Publication details: 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-7467.
Pre-Breeding for Yield Potential: Results of the 1st and 2nd WYCYT by
- Reynolds, M.P
- Ahmad, G [coaut.]
- Arun, B [coaut.]
- Barma, N [coaut.]
- Barma, N.C.D
- Chatrath, R [coaut.]
- Dhari, R [coaut.]
- Figueroa, P [coaut.]
- Firoz-Ahmad, A [coaut.]
- Guatam, N.R [coaut.]
- Hussain, M [coaut.]
- Joarder, O.I [coaut.]
- Kalappanavar, I.K [coaut.]
- M. Reynolds, G. Molero, E. Quilligan, M. Listman, H. Braun [eds.]
- Mavi, G.S [coaut.]
- Mishra, V.K [coaut.]
- Mossad, M.G [coaut.]
- Mujahi, M.Y [coaut.]
- Pask, A.J.D [coaut.]
- Rahman, M
- Raj, G.N [coaut.]
- Sharma, I [coaut.]
- Singh, G.P [coaut.]
- Sohu, V.S [coaut.]
- Solis, E [coaut.]
- Sukaru, S.V.P [coaut.]
- Torres, A [coaut.]
- Ward, R [coaut.]
- He Zhonghu
- Joshi, A.K
- Molero, G
- Chavez-Dulanto, P.N
- Jalal Kamali, M.R [coaut.]
Material type: Text Language: En
Publication details: Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 2014
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Earliness in wheat : a key to adaptation under terminal and continual high temperature stress in South Asia by
- Mondal, S
- Singh, R.P
- Crossa, J
- Huerta-Espino, J
- Sharma, I
- Chatrath, R
- Singh, G.P
- Sohu, V.S
- Mavi, G.S
- Sukaru, S.V.P
- Kalappanavarg, I.K
- Vinod Kumar Mishra
- Hussain, M
- Gautam, N.R
- Uddin, M.J
- Barma, N.C.D
- Hakim, A
- Joshi, A.K
Material type: Article; Type of continuing resource:
Language: English
Publication details: Amsterdam (Netherlands) : Elsevier, 2013
Field Crops Research v. 151, p. 19-26
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: CIS-7242.
A wheat phenotyping network to incorporate physiological traits forclimate change in South Asia by
- Pask, A.J.D
- Arun, B [coaut.]
- Barma, N.C.D
- Chatrath, R [coaut.]
- Gautam, N.R [coaut.]
- Hakim, A [coaut.]
- Hussain, M [coaut.]
- Kalappanavar, I.K [coaut.]
- Manes, Y [coaut.]
- Mavi, G.S [coaut.]
- Mishra V. K [coaut.]
- Mujahid, M.Y [coaut.]
- Sharma, I [coaut.]
- Sohu, V.S [coaut.]
- Trethowan R [coaut.]
- V.S.P. Sakuru [coaut.]
- W. Hoppitt [coaut.]
- Reynolds, M.P
- Joshi, A.K
Material type: Article Language: En
Publication details: 2014
Field Crops Research v. 168, p. 156-167
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).
Wheat: productivity enhancement under changing climate by
Material type: Text Language: En
Publication details: New Delhi (India) : Narosa Publishing House, 2012
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1)Call number: 338.1 SIN.
Chapter. Pre-Breeding for Yield Potential: Summary of International Data from 2nd WYCYT and Performance of Pipeline Material by
- Reynolds, M.P
- Pask, A
- Torres, A
- Quiche, YN
- Figueroa López, P
- Solís Moya, E
- Ireta Moreno, J
- Borbón Gracia, A
- Alvarado Padilla, J.I
- Barma, N.C.D
- Joarder, O.I
- Kalappanavar, I.K
- Sukaru, S.V.P
- Vinod Kumar Mishra
- Arun, B
- Singh, G.P
- Sohu, V.S
- Guatam, N.R
- Puri, R.R
- Mujahid, M.Y
- Mossad, M.G
- Sharma, I
- Chatrath, R
- Mavi, G.S
- Hussain, M
- Firoz Ahmad, A
- Rahman, M
- Ahmad, G
- Dastfal, M
- Nikzad, A.R
- Tabib Ghaffary, S.M
- Khodarahmi, M
- Hakim, M.A
- He Zhonghu
- Ward, R.W
- Joshi, A.K
- Molero, G
- Sukumaran, S
- Jalal Kamali, M.R
Material type: Article; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: Mexico : CIMMYT, USAID, MASAGRO, SAGARPA, CONACYT, 2015
Proceedings of the International TRIGO Wheat Yield Potential p. 17-22
Availability: Items available for loan: CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library (1).