Evaluation of stem rust resistant wheat lines for commercial production in Kenya
Material type:
- 978-0-615-70429-6
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Conference proceedings | CIMMYT Knowledge Center: John Woolston Library | CIMMYT Staff Publications Collection | CIS-6958 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available |
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Abstract only
The improvement of crop varieties adapted to different agro-ecological conditions is a priority in many breeding programs. High yields, resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, high nutritional quality, and appropriate end use characteristics are paramount. Over the last seven years KARI has been actively involved in breeding and selection of wheat lines for stem rust resistance. In addition, advanced lines are screened for adaptation and adoption in Kenya. An Advanced Yield Trial comprising 48 entries and two checks was constituted after selection at Njoro. The trial, a radomised complete block with 3 replications was planted at six sites, viz. Naivasha, Narok, Kinamba, Njoro, Olkarau and Eldoret in 2010 and 2011. Data included disease response, plant type, grain yield and grain weight. In In 2011, five lines (R1238, R1244, R1244, R1256 and R1273) outperformed the check variety, Robin. In 2010 R1238 (PASTOR//HXL7573/2*BAU/3/SOKOLL/WBLL) was the best yielding at 2.54 t/ha compared to the check at 1.9 t/ha. In 2011 the best line was R1256 (TACUPETO F2001*2/KUKUNA//JUCHI/6/WBLL1/4/HD2281/TRAP#1/3/KAUZ*2/TRAP//KAUZ/5/TAC UPETO F2001) at 2.49 t/ha. Robin was the best overall in 2 years in Eldoret, whereas R1238 was the best at Njoro. The best seven lines were submitted to the National Performance Trials (NPT) as candidates for future release.
Global Wheat Program
Lucia Segura
CIMMYT Staff Publications Collection