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Characterization of varieties and breeding lines of spring bread wheat carrying alien genetic material

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextPublication details: 2011. Russia : Russian Foundation for Basic Research,Description: 1 pageSubject(s): In: Wheat Genetic Resources and Genomics; Novosibirsk (Russia); 28 Aug-1 Sep 2011, Abstract book p. 12Summary: Transfer of alien genes to wheat from its relatives is the effective way to improve its genetic variability. The first approach to solve this problem is the production of new forms of wheat resulted from a remote hybridization. The study of these forms makes it possible to select the most promising ones which can be used in breeding as donors of new genes determining resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The second approach is the development of recombinant wheat genotypes as new forms for breeding using previously established varieties with alien genes that are effectively expressed in the background of common wheat. Both approaches are used in joint research of Siberian Agricultural Research Institute (Omsk) and Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk) for the production of new varieties and promising lines of spring bread wheat. Immune lines of 'Saratovskaya 29' (S29) resulted from the cross between bread wheat variety 'S29' and Dr. P. Savov‟s (Bulgaria) synthetic amphiploid T.timopheevii x Ae. tauschii. The immune lines of 'S29' are characterized by a complex resistance to fungal pathogens. A commercial variety of spring wheat 'Pamyati Maystrenko' has been developed on the basis of one of the immune lines. The utilization of wheat varieties carrying wheat-rye translocation 1RS.1BL and genetic material of Thinopyrum elongatum (=Agropyron elongatum) led to the effective combination of genes controlling resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in the new varieties of spring wheat 'Omskaya 37', 'Omskaya 38', 'Omskaya 41'. A set of promising lines possessing resistance to stresses, high yield and grain quality were developed using hybridization of alloplasmic lines of common wheat (Hordeum vulgare)-T.aestivum with wheat lines carrying wheat-rye translocation 1RS.1BL or genetic materials of T. durum.
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Transfer of alien genes to wheat from its relatives is the effective way to improve its genetic variability. The first approach to solve this problem is the production of new forms of wheat resulted from a remote hybridization. The study of these forms makes it possible to select the most promising ones which can be used in breeding as donors of new genes determining resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The second approach is the development of recombinant wheat genotypes as new forms for breeding using previously established varieties with alien genes that are effectively expressed in the background of common wheat. Both approaches are used in joint research of Siberian Agricultural Research Institute (Omsk) and Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk) for the production of new varieties and promising lines of spring bread wheat. Immune lines of 'Saratovskaya 29' (S29) resulted from the cross between bread wheat variety 'S29' and Dr. P. Savov‟s (Bulgaria) synthetic amphiploid T.timopheevii x Ae. tauschii. The immune lines of 'S29' are characterized by a complex resistance to fungal pathogens. A commercial variety of spring wheat 'Pamyati Maystrenko' has been developed on the basis of one of the immune lines. The utilization of wheat varieties carrying wheat-rye translocation 1RS.1BL and genetic material of Thinopyrum elongatum (=Agropyron elongatum) led to the effective combination of genes controlling resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses in the new varieties of spring wheat 'Omskaya 37', 'Omskaya 38', 'Omskaya 41'. A set of promising lines possessing resistance to stresses, high yield and grain quality were developed using hybridization of alloplasmic lines of common wheat (Hordeum vulgare)-T.aestivum with wheat lines carrying wheat-rye translocation 1RS.1BL or genetic materials of T. durum.

Global Wheat Program

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