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Crop ontology: A controlled vocabulary for trait descriptions for maize, wheat, chickpea, sorghum, banana and plantain, potato and rice

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextPublication details: 2010Description: 1 pageSummary: In order to support and encourage researchers and breeders to use and share information among agricultural databases, the Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) has emphasized At present, the CO contains controlled vocabularies that relate to traits for chickpea, maize, banana and plantain, potato, rice, sorghum, and wheat. Moreover, vocabularies related to germplasm and multi-crop passport data (provenance data for accessions) are also included in CO so that researchers and end users may query the keywords of geographic information, traits, plant structure and growth stages, and facilitate retrieving phenotype and/or genotype data e.g., germplasm, genes, and QTL (quantitative trait loci), which already exist in the GCP database. The GCP Crop Ontology browser is now available at for searching ontology terms or specific ontology hierarchy present in CO. With the inception of CO project, the rice mutant ontology is integrated as a GCP crop ontology resource, and each mutant phenotype controlled vocabulary is now an ontology term in the GCP rice mutant ontology. Integration of the International Crop Information System (ICIS) model and other crop databases with application of the CO has begun which will enable researchers to query phenotypic data using the CO terms in these databases. In addition, CO has started using text mining tool Terminizer ( to capture ontology terms in documents and publications. The submission of CO terms as new terms to Gramene Trait Ontology (TO) and Plant Ontology (PO) is continued. Further collaboration is being processed with AGROVOC, Thai Rice Ontology, SGN genomic network, and MaizeGDB
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In order to support and encourage researchers and breeders to use and share information among agricultural databases, the Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) has emphasized At present, the CO contains controlled vocabularies that relate to traits for chickpea, maize, banana and plantain, potato, rice, sorghum, and wheat. Moreover, vocabularies related to germplasm and multi-crop passport data (provenance data for accessions) are also included in CO so that researchers and end users may query the keywords of geographic information, traits, plant structure and growth stages, and facilitate retrieving phenotype and/or genotype data e.g., germplasm, genes, and QTL (quantitative trait loci), which already exist in the GCP database. The GCP Crop Ontology browser is now available at for searching ontology terms or specific ontology hierarchy present in CO. With the inception of CO project, the rice mutant ontology is integrated as a GCP crop ontology resource, and each mutant phenotype controlled vocabulary is now an ontology term in the GCP rice mutant ontology. Integration of the International Crop Information System (ICIS) model and other crop databases with application of the CO has begun which will enable researchers to query phenotypic data using the CO terms in these databases. In addition, CO has started using text mining tool Terminizer ( to capture ontology terms in documents and publications. The submission of CO terms as new terms to Gramene Trait Ontology (TO) and Plant Ontology (PO) is continued. Further collaboration is being processed with AGROVOC, Thai Rice Ontology, SGN genomic network, and MaizeGDB

Genetic Resources Program


Lucia Segura


CIMMYT Staff Publications Collection

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