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La siembra asociada de maiz frijol en surcos anchos 1.80 m intercalada con trigo o frijol una alternativa de produccion en areas de temporal

By: Contributor(s): Material type: ArticleArticleLanguage: Es Publication details: 1984Subject(s): In: Revista Chapingo v. 9, no. 43-44, p. 109-116614304Summary: In rainfed trials at Chapingo in 1981, a year with very favourable weather conditions, maize and Phaseolus vulgaris were grown in the same hills in paired rows 0.8 m apart and various crops were grown in the 1.8-m spaces between the paired rows. Only intercropping with wheat or Vicia faba significantly improved yields. The cv. of maize and P. vulgaris used for mixed sowing were a major factor determining yield, but the cv. of wheat, potatoes, sorghum and oats used for intercropping did not affect yields of maize and P. vulgaris. Plant populations over the range tested had no effect on yield. Preliminary results indicated that mixed sowings
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Tables, graphs, literature cited p. 116

In rainfed trials at Chapingo in 1981, a year with very favourable weather conditions, maize and Phaseolus vulgaris were grown in the same hills in paired rows 0.8 m apart and various crops were grown in the 1.8-m spaces between the paired rows. Only intercropping with wheat or Vicia faba significantly improved yields. The cv. of maize and P. vulgaris used for mixed sowing were a major factor determining yield, but the cv. of wheat, potatoes, sorghum and oats used for intercropping did not affect yields of maize and P. vulgaris. Plant populations over the range tested had no effect on yield. Preliminary results indicated that mixed sowings


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