Knowledge Center Catalog

High-throughput and precision phenotyping for cereal breeding programs

Prasanna, B.M.

High-throughput and precision phenotyping for cereal breeding programs - Dordrecht (Netherlands) Springer : 2013 - p. 341-374

Reference only

Cereals hold unique position in world agriculture as a source of food, feed and diverse products of industrial importance. For several million farmers and consumers in countries with low- and middle-income, cereals (especially rice, wheat and maize) are the preferred staple food crops. The future of cereal production, and consequently, the livelihoods of several million small farmers worldwide, is therefore, dependent to a great extent on developing improved high yielding varieties of cereals.


978-94-007-6400-2 (Print) 978-94-007-6401-9 (Online)

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