Knowledge Center Catalog

Races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in Ethiopia and Kenya

Olivera, P.D.

Races of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in Ethiopia and Kenya - 2011 - p. 157

Abstract only

The objective of this study was to identify and characterize races of P. graminis f. sp. tritici present in Ethiopia and Kenya in 2010. In Ethiopia, 39 samples of infected stems were collected from wheat cultivars and breeding lines at five EIAR research centers and substations (Debre Zeit, Kulumsa, Melkassa, Holetta, and Denbi), and demonstration plots at four farmer fields. Forty single-pustule isolates were derived and race-typed based on the North American stem rust differentials. Two races of P. graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) were identified: TTKSK and JRCQC. TTKSK was the predominant race as it appeared in 38 isolates, all collected from bread wheat. The two isolates classified as race JRCQC were collected from durum wheat at the Debre Zeit stem rust screening nursery. The same race was identified in 2009 from Debre Zeit. JRCQC possesses virulence to both Sr9e and Sr13, two genes that constitute major components of the stem rust resistance in North American durum cultivars. In Kenya 24 collections of Pgt were made from 6 locations throughout Kenya including the Plant Breeding Station at Njoro. A total of 48 single pustule isolates derived from these 24 collections were race-typed. A total of 47 of the 48 isolates were identified as TTKST, a variant of TTKSK with additional virulence to Sr24. Only one isolate was identified as TTKSK. These data indicate that TTKST has largely displaced TTKSK throughout Kenya.


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