Performance and stability of CIMMYT-derived durum wheat cultivars in the Southeastern Anatolia region
Ozberk, I.
Performance and stability of CIMMYT-derived durum wheat cultivars in the Southeastern Anatolia region - Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 2003 - p. 58-59 - Printed
The semi-arid southeastern Anatolian region is known as the durum wheat belt in Turkey. Eighty-five percent of the total wheat acreage is devoted to durum wheat. Approximately 25% of wheat production is met from this region (Uzunlu and Yalvac 1991). Over the last two decades, Firat 93, Harran 95, Altintoprak 98, and Saricanak 98 have been released (selected from CIMMYT -originated material sent to Turkey). Dicle 74 and Diyarbakir 81 are largely adapted cultivars. Dicle 74 was withdrawn from commercial production due to poor quality, whereas Diyarbakir 81 is still the leading cultivar under both rainfed and supplementary irrigated conditions (Firat 93 is second). This study investigated performance and stability methods and parameters under rainfed and supplementary irrigated conditions.
Irrigation methods
Seed production
Semiarid zones
Yield factors
Plant breeding
Agricultural research
Performance and stability of CIMMYT-derived durum wheat cultivars in the Southeastern Anatolia region - Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 2003 - p. 58-59 - Printed
The semi-arid southeastern Anatolian region is known as the durum wheat belt in Turkey. Eighty-five percent of the total wheat acreage is devoted to durum wheat. Approximately 25% of wheat production is met from this region (Uzunlu and Yalvac 1991). Over the last two decades, Firat 93, Harran 95, Altintoprak 98, and Saricanak 98 have been released (selected from CIMMYT -originated material sent to Turkey). Dicle 74 and Diyarbakir 81 are largely adapted cultivars. Dicle 74 was withdrawn from commercial production due to poor quality, whereas Diyarbakir 81 is still the leading cultivar under both rainfed and supplementary irrigated conditions (Firat 93 is second). This study investigated performance and stability methods and parameters under rainfed and supplementary irrigated conditions.
Irrigation methods
Seed production
Semiarid zones
Yield factors
Plant breeding
Agricultural research