Knowledge Center Catalog

Effect of phosphorus fertilization on phosphorus constituents in soybeans

Kapoor, A.C.

Effect of phosphorus fertilization on phosphorus constituents in soybeans - United States of America : American Chemical Society, 1977.

Peer review

Two varieties of soybean (Bragg and Punjab-1) grown in pot culture with three levels of phosphorus were studied for their chemical composition and different phosphorus compounds in the seed and its protein fractions. Crude protein, true protein, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron contents of the seed increased under the influence of phosphorus but the amount of nitrogen free extract and calcium decreased slightly. Phytic acid P constituted the major form of P in the seed followed by nucleic acid P and phospholipid P. Inorganic P formed a very small fraction of total P. The compounds containing the maximum amount of total P, phytic acid P, nucleic acid P, and inorganic P were mainly associated with the glycinin fraction of soy proteins. The concentrations of phosphorus compounds in the seed and its protein fractions were enhanced under the influence of soil phosphorus. The association of nucleic acid P with the major component of soy protein suggests their close interrelationship in metabolic activity and some soy proteins may be nucleoproteins.

Text in English

0021-8561 1520-5118 (Online)

Phosphate fertilizers
Phosphorus content
Protein content
Phytic acid
Nucleic acids
Soy protein

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