Molecular characterization of stable QTL and putative candidate genes for grain zinc and iron concentrations in two related wheat populations
Mengjing Sun
Molecular characterization of stable QTL and putative candidate genes for grain zinc and iron concentrations in two related wheat populations - Berlin (Germany) : Springer Verlag, 2023.
Peer review
Micronutrient malnutrition is one of the most common public health problems in the world. Biofortification, the most attractive and sustainable solution to surmount malnutrition requires the development of micronutrient enriched new crop cultivars. In this study, two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations, ZM175/XY60 and ZM175/LX987, were used to identify QTL for grain zinc concentration (GZnC), grain iron concentration (GFeC) and thousand grain weight (TGW). Eight QTL for GZnC, six QTL for GFeC and five QTL for TGW were detected. Three QTL on chromosomes 2DL and 4BS and chromosome 6A showed pleiotropic effects on all three traits. The 4BS and 6A QTL also increased plant height and might be Rht-B1a and Rht25a, respectively. The 2DL locus within a suppressed recombination region was identified in both RIL populations and the favorable allele simultaneously increasing GZnC, GFeC and TGW was contributed by XY60 and LX987. A QTL on chromosome 6DL associated only with GZnC was detected in ZM175/XY60 and was validated in JD8/AK58 RILs using kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) marker K_AX-110119937. Both the 2DL and 6DL QTL were new loci for GZnC. Based on gene annotations, sequence variations and expression profiles, the phytic acid biosynthesis gene TaIPK1-2D and nicotianamine synthase gene TaNAS10-6D were predicted as candidate genes. Their gene-based KASP markers were developed and validated in a cultivar panel of 343 wheat accessions. This study investigated the genetic basis of GZnC and GFeC and provided valuable candidate genes and markers for breeding Zn- and Fe-enriched wheat.
Text in English
0040-5752 1432-2242 (Online)
Molecular characterization
Quantitative Trait Loci
Molecular characterization of stable QTL and putative candidate genes for grain zinc and iron concentrations in two related wheat populations - Berlin (Germany) : Springer Verlag, 2023.
Peer review
Micronutrient malnutrition is one of the most common public health problems in the world. Biofortification, the most attractive and sustainable solution to surmount malnutrition requires the development of micronutrient enriched new crop cultivars. In this study, two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations, ZM175/XY60 and ZM175/LX987, were used to identify QTL for grain zinc concentration (GZnC), grain iron concentration (GFeC) and thousand grain weight (TGW). Eight QTL for GZnC, six QTL for GFeC and five QTL for TGW were detected. Three QTL on chromosomes 2DL and 4BS and chromosome 6A showed pleiotropic effects on all three traits. The 4BS and 6A QTL also increased plant height and might be Rht-B1a and Rht25a, respectively. The 2DL locus within a suppressed recombination region was identified in both RIL populations and the favorable allele simultaneously increasing GZnC, GFeC and TGW was contributed by XY60 and LX987. A QTL on chromosome 6DL associated only with GZnC was detected in ZM175/XY60 and was validated in JD8/AK58 RILs using kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) marker K_AX-110119937. Both the 2DL and 6DL QTL were new loci for GZnC. Based on gene annotations, sequence variations and expression profiles, the phytic acid biosynthesis gene TaIPK1-2D and nicotianamine synthase gene TaNAS10-6D were predicted as candidate genes. Their gene-based KASP markers were developed and validated in a cultivar panel of 343 wheat accessions. This study investigated the genetic basis of GZnC and GFeC and provided valuable candidate genes and markers for breeding Zn- and Fe-enriched wheat.
Text in English
0040-5752 1432-2242 (Online)
Molecular characterization
Quantitative Trait Loci