Importancia da biometria no melhoramento
Toledo, F.H.
Importancia da biometria no melhoramento - Lavras, MG (Brazil) : CIMMYT, 2019. - 34 slides
Open Access Presented at the XXIII International Symposium in Genetics and Plant Breeding, September 5th, 2019, Lavras, MG (Brazil)
Text in English
Plant breeding
Agronomic characters
Genotype environment interaction
Marker-assisted selection
Importancia da biometria no melhoramento - Lavras, MG (Brazil) : CIMMYT, 2019. - 34 slides
Open Access Presented at the XXIII International Symposium in Genetics and Plant Breeding, September 5th, 2019, Lavras, MG (Brazil)
Text in English
Plant breeding
Agronomic characters
Genotype environment interaction
Marker-assisted selection