Knowledge Center Catalog

Journal of Experimental Botany

Journal of Experimental Botany - Oxford (United Kingdom) : Oxford University Press - Monthly - Printed - [Online] 1996-2011 47-62; 2012 63 (1-9- [Print] 1984-1985 35-36(150-173); 1986 37(174-175,177-185); 1987 38(188-195,197); 1988-2002 39-53 (198-379); 2003 54(381-393); 2006 57; 2007 58(2)| 35, 1984- 53, 2002 [37(176); 38(186-187,196)]

Current electronic access throught CGIAR consortium

2007 58(2) 'Integrated approaches to sustain and improve plant production under drought stress'|SEB "Society for Experimental Biology". Annual Meeting (Plant and Cell Biology Abstracts):|2001 52 SEB 2nd-6th April 2001|2000 51 SEB 27 -31 March 2000|1999 50 SEB 22-26 March 1999|1998 49 SEB Topics|47(Supplement) May1996|49(Supplement) May1998|Supplements: 42 (238); 44; 44-A; 45|Special Issues:|2001 52 "ROOTS: from gene to ecosystem"|2000 51 "Molecular physiology: Engineering crops for hostile environments"|2000 51 "Water deficits and plant growth"|2000 51 "Genetic Manipulation of photosynthesis"|1999 50 "Membrane transport: Mechnanisms, modulation and manipulation"|1998 49 "Stomatal Biology"|Special Edition: 45-48




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