Prospects of using ABA in selection for drought tolerance in cereal crops
Mugo, S.N.
Prospects of using ABA in selection for drought tolerance in cereal crops - Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 2000 - Printed
Abscisic acid is an integrative putative secondary trait that could be very useful because its genetic variance and mean value remain high under drought stress as genetic variance of grain yield falls. Variability of ABA concentration is low in maize seedlings, but leaf ABA concentration has been shown to decrease with selection for drought tolerance at the flowering stage. Heritability estimates and mode of gene action for leaf ABA concentration suggest use of either intra- or inter-population improvement procedures to decrease leaf ABA concentration in maize. Various QTLs for leaf ABA in cereals have been identified. Complexities in ABA gene expression induction, production, distribution, and physiological effects in genotypes, as well as technical and cost-related limitations in expression and ABA assays are discussed.
Drought resistance
Injurious factors
Research projects
Plant breeding
Prospects of using ABA in selection for drought tolerance in cereal crops - Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 2000 - Printed
Abscisic acid is an integrative putative secondary trait that could be very useful because its genetic variance and mean value remain high under drought stress as genetic variance of grain yield falls. Variability of ABA concentration is low in maize seedlings, but leaf ABA concentration has been shown to decrease with selection for drought tolerance at the flowering stage. Heritability estimates and mode of gene action for leaf ABA concentration suggest use of either intra- or inter-population improvement procedures to decrease leaf ABA concentration in maize. Various QTLs for leaf ABA in cereals have been identified. Complexities in ABA gene expression induction, production, distribution, and physiological effects in genotypes, as well as technical and cost-related limitations in expression and ABA assays are discussed.
Drought resistance
Injurious factors
Research projects
Plant breeding