Competition and its consequences for selection in barley breeding
Spitters, C.J.T.
Competition and its consequences for selection in barley breeding - Wageningen (Netherlands) : PUDOC, 1979 - 268 p - Printed - PUDOC Agricultural Research Reports ; No. 893 .
Thesis (Dr in de Landbouwwetenschappen). Summaries (En, Nl); Bibliography (310 ref.)
90 220 0712 X
Barley hordeum spp.
Plant breeding
Competition and its consequences for selection in barley breeding - Wageningen (Netherlands) : PUDOC, 1979 - 268 p - Printed - PUDOC Agricultural Research Reports ; No. 893 .
Thesis (Dr in de Landbouwwetenschappen). Summaries (En, Nl); Bibliography (310 ref.)
90 220 0712 X
Barley hordeum spp.
Plant breeding