Knowledge Center Catalog

Importancia de las enfermedades en la producción de trigo en Uruguay

Díaz de Ackermann, M.

Importancia de las enfermedades en la producción de trigo en Uruguay - la Estanzuela (Uruguay) INIA|CIMMYT : 1998 - Printed

|The average national wheat production has varied between 540 and 2 550 kg/ha during the last two decades. In general, the years with low yield are related with excess of precipitation and the predominance of diseases. The Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) and Septoria Leaf Blight (SLB) caused 44% of the difference between the expected and the actual national yield during 1997.||The experimental data since 1967 indicate that SLB is capable of causing yield losses of up to 64%. In spite of the fact that the infections caused by the FHB appear to be spectacular, it produced lower damage (31%) even in the years that the disease was severe. On the other hand, the losses caused by the leaf rust in La Paz INTA and E Federal reached 50% and 36% respectively. The losses caused by the tan spot are being evaluated at present. These disease losses are similar to the figures mentioned for other countries in the literature.||The national and international efforts have helped achieve a high level of resistance to the leaf rust and foliar blights. However, given the influence of the environmental conditions at flowering over the incidence and severity of FHB, the resistance to this disease is virtually limited to the Chinese germplasm.||The efforts in the identification and incorporation of the genetic resistance to the diseases mentioned above provide the most efficient solution. In order to control foliar blights, other methods such as crop rotation, stubble management, time of seeding, seed and/or foliar treatments with fungicides, etc. can also be used with excellent results. For FHB, a wider spread in the flowering period can be of help.||The information developed nationally indicates excellent efficacy of the products belonging to the Triazole family to control rusts and foliar blights. However, in the case of FHB, these fungicides demonstrate significant level of variability. In order for the disease control to be economically viable, it should be combined with moderate level of resistance and high yield potential of the varieties.



Biological control
Chemical control
Disease control
Disease resistance
Injurious factors
Plant diseases
Plant response
Research projects
Variety trials
Yield increases


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