Knowledge Center Catalog

Generacion de tecnologia para agricultura de temporal y subsistencia: el caso del maiz en la region del Plan Puebla [Mexico]

Volke Haller, V.

Generacion de tecnologia para agricultura de temporal y subsistencia: el caso del maiz en la region del Plan Puebla [Mexico] Production of technology for rainfed and subsistance cropping: the case of maize in the region of Puebla Plan [Mexico] - Montecillo, Tex. (Mexico) : Colegio de Postgraduados, 1977 - 280 pages - Printed

Nationality: CL Thesis (Ph. D.). AGRIS 79-366879


Crop yield
Development plans
Farm organization and management
Production functions
Rainfed farming
Subsistence farming
Technology transfer
Zea mays

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) © Copyright 2021.
Carretera México-Veracruz. Km. 45, El Batán, Texcoco, México, C.P. 56237.
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