Multiple cropping with legumes and starchy roots
Davis, J.H.C.
Multiple cropping with legumes and starchy roots - 1986 - p. 133-160 - Printed
Tables, references p. 156-160
Some important crop associations are outlined. Multiple cropping of legumes with cereals, including characteristics of the plant, maturity differences, plant architecture, management of pests and diseases, management of density and spatial arrangement, fertilization, relative sowing dates and weed control are discussed. Multiple cropping of roots with cereals is considered, including cassava with maize and sweet potato with cereals, and with legumes, including cassava with several species and sweet potato with Phaseolus sp. Other topics examined are root crops in Andean agriculture, multiple cropping of legumes and roots with perennial
Crop yield
Mixed cropping
Multiple cropping
Root crops
Small farms
Traditional farming
Tropical zones
Farming systems
Multiple cropping with legumes and starchy roots - 1986 - p. 133-160 - Printed
Tables, references p. 156-160
Some important crop associations are outlined. Multiple cropping of legumes with cereals, including characteristics of the plant, maturity differences, plant architecture, management of pests and diseases, management of density and spatial arrangement, fertilization, relative sowing dates and weed control are discussed. Multiple cropping of roots with cereals is considered, including cassava with maize and sweet potato with cereals, and with legumes, including cassava with several species and sweet potato with Phaseolus sp. Other topics examined are root crops in Andean agriculture, multiple cropping of legumes and roots with perennial
Crop yield
Mixed cropping
Multiple cropping
Root crops
Small farms
Traditional farming
Tropical zones
Farming systems