Systems, techniques and tools: Conservation farming for small farmers in the humid tropics
Wijewardene, R.
Systems, techniques and tools: Conservation farming for small farmers in the humid tropics - Colombo, Sri-Lanka) : Department of Agriculture, Commonwealth Consultative Group on Agriculture for the Asia Pacific Region, GTZ, CFTC, 1984 - v, 39 pages - Printed
Illustrations, tables, graphs, references p. 39
The techniques of conservation farming have evolved primarily for the majority of farmers in the tropics who farm poorer soils at subsistence levels. They cannot afford the inputs, nor are the fragile ecosystems upon which they exist conducive to the 'high-input' technologies of the Green Revolution. Through conserving the natural resources of the soil, its surface and subsoil fertility, the water it receives from rainfall, and the natural recycling of forest vegetation, conservation farming aims to provide an essentially low-inputbut productive and self sustaining system of farming: farming for food and market as well as fodder for
Disease control
Feed crops
Fuel crops
Humid tropics
Pest control
Shifting cultivation
Small farms
Soil conservation
Traditional farming
Zero tillage
Soil fertility
Farming systems
Systems, techniques and tools: Conservation farming for small farmers in the humid tropics - Colombo, Sri-Lanka) : Department of Agriculture, Commonwealth Consultative Group on Agriculture for the Asia Pacific Region, GTZ, CFTC, 1984 - v, 39 pages - Printed
Illustrations, tables, graphs, references p. 39
The techniques of conservation farming have evolved primarily for the majority of farmers in the tropics who farm poorer soils at subsistence levels. They cannot afford the inputs, nor are the fragile ecosystems upon which they exist conducive to the 'high-input' technologies of the Green Revolution. Through conserving the natural resources of the soil, its surface and subsoil fertility, the water it receives from rainfall, and the natural recycling of forest vegetation, conservation farming aims to provide an essentially low-inputbut productive and self sustaining system of farming: farming for food and market as well as fodder for
Disease control
Feed crops
Fuel crops
Humid tropics
Pest control
Shifting cultivation
Small farms
Soil conservation
Traditional farming
Zero tillage
Soil fertility
Farming systems