Host-pathogen interaction of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Septoria tritici in Morocco
Jlibene, M.
Host-pathogen interaction of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Septoria tritici in Morocco - Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 1995 - Printed
Reports on Septoria tritici x Triticum aestivum interaction are numerous, strengthening the hypothesis of specialization of the pathogen to the host. The present report is intended to present a view on how specialization to wheat species as well as to wheat genotypes could have occurred in North Africa. Three experiments were carried out, one consisting of inoculating both bread and durum wheat species in the greenhouse at the seedling stage, with 5. tritici isolated from fields of durum wheat and bread wheat, and the other one consisting of inoculating a differential set of bread wheat genotypes with isolates from bread wheat fields only.|La abundate informacion sobre la interaccion Septoria tritici x Triticum aestivum consolida la hipotesis de la especializacion del patogeno hacia el hospedante. En este trabajo se presenta un panorama sobre como la especializacion de especies de trigo, asi como la de genotipos de trigo, pudo haber ocurrido en el norte de Africa. Se llevaron acabo dos experimentos, uno que consistio en inocular trigo duro y harinero en invernadero en plantula con aislamientos de S. tritici de campos de trigo duro y trigo harinero; el otro consistion en inocular un grupo diferencial de genotipos de trigo harinero con aislamientos de campos de trigo harinero solamente.
Gene transfer
Inoculation methods
Triticum aestivum
633.1194 / GIL
Host-pathogen interaction of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Septoria tritici in Morocco - Mexico, DF (Mexico) CIMMYT : 1995 - Printed
Reports on Septoria tritici x Triticum aestivum interaction are numerous, strengthening the hypothesis of specialization of the pathogen to the host. The present report is intended to present a view on how specialization to wheat species as well as to wheat genotypes could have occurred in North Africa. Three experiments were carried out, one consisting of inoculating both bread and durum wheat species in the greenhouse at the seedling stage, with 5. tritici isolated from fields of durum wheat and bread wheat, and the other one consisting of inoculating a differential set of bread wheat genotypes with isolates from bread wheat fields only.|La abundate informacion sobre la interaccion Septoria tritici x Triticum aestivum consolida la hipotesis de la especializacion del patogeno hacia el hospedante. En este trabajo se presenta un panorama sobre como la especializacion de especies de trigo, asi como la de genotipos de trigo, pudo haber ocurrido en el norte de Africa. Se llevaron acabo dos experimentos, uno que consistio en inocular trigo duro y harinero en invernadero en plantula con aislamientos de S. tritici de campos de trigo duro y trigo harinero; el otro consistion en inocular un grupo diferencial de genotipos de trigo harinero con aislamientos de campos de trigo harinero solamente.
Gene transfer
Inoculation methods
Triticum aestivum
633.1194 / GIL