An annotated directory of citation database educational, system diagnostics and other miscellaneous microcomputer software of potential use to agricultural scientists in developing countries
Stilwell, T.C.
An annotated directory of citation database educational, system diagnostics and other miscellaneous microcomputer software of potential use to agricultural scientists in developing countries - East Lansing, MI (USA) : Michigan State University, 1984 - 34 pages - Printed - Working paper / Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University (USA)|MSU international development paper ; No. 18 .
Computer software
Information processing
Information retrieval
Information science
An annotated directory of citation database educational, system diagnostics and other miscellaneous microcomputer software of potential use to agricultural scientists in developing countries - East Lansing, MI (USA) : Michigan State University, 1984 - 34 pages - Printed - Working paper / Department of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University (USA)|MSU international development paper ; No. 18 .
Computer software
Information processing
Information retrieval
Information science