Variation in Limnanthes alba:
Brown, C.R.
Variation in Limnanthes alba: a biosystematic survey of germ plasm resources - 1979
Sixteen populations of Limnanthes alba Bentham are described for variation in plant growth, floral morpholog}', and reproductive traits in terms of a hiosystematic survey of interpopulation differentiation. Earlier discussions qf two varieties by other botanists are revh'Jved in relation to our findings of several overlapping and polymorphic population clusters (''races''). A field evaluation of seed _vield at Davis suggested that variability in L. alba be fully described for its use in crop improvement by hybridizaNon and selection.
Variation in Limnanthes alba: a biosystematic survey of germ plasm resources - 1979
Sixteen populations of Limnanthes alba Bentham are described for variation in plant growth, floral morpholog}', and reproductive traits in terms of a hiosystematic survey of interpopulation differentiation. Earlier discussions qf two varieties by other botanists are revh'Jved in relation to our findings of several overlapping and polymorphic population clusters (''races''). A field evaluation of seed _vield at Davis suggested that variability in L. alba be fully described for its use in crop improvement by hybridizaNon and selection.