Knowledge Center Catalog

Utilization of CIMMYT germplasm and breeding technologies in wheat improvement in Sichuan, China

Zou Yu-chun

Utilization of CIMMYT germplasm and breeding technologies in wheat improvement in Sichuan, China - China : Department of Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2007. - Computer File|Printed

Peer review Peer-review: No - Open Access: No

In 1966, the first CIMMYT released wheat variety Penjamo 62 was introduced into Sichuan; in 1989, the agreement of China - CIMMYT wheat shuttle breeding collaborative project was signed in Beijing and Sichuan was designated one of the three spring wheat shuttle sites in China. Since then, wheat breeders in Sichuan started to use CIMMYT germplasm and breeding technologies regularly for improving wheat breeding in Sichuan. In this long period of cooperation with CIMMYT, we realized that the very important and helpful things we got from CIMMYT in our wheat improvement in Sichuan were basically three areas: the exchange of useful breeding germplasm; the offering of new breeding strategies and technologies; and the exchange of scientists, especially the training course for young breeders from Sichuan. What we should do and how we could do to use these CIMMYT germplasm and advanced technologies in improving wheat breeding work in Sichuan? Our basic experience are as followings: ( i) screen introduced CIMMYT germplasm under Sichuan ecologic environments intesively; ( ii) based on the breeding p rograms in our academy and breeding materials and breeding systems they have, several CIMMYT basic, new and advanced breeding technologies and strategies were chose, such as winter/spring, shuttle breeding,modified - bulked selection, and multi-minor genes durable resistance of yellow rust, to imp rove and form a more effective breeding system in Sichuan with the DH population method and R ILs we learned from a China - ACIAR Sichuan wheat improvement project; ( iii) because the big difference of ecologic environments and the genetic background of germp lasm between CIMMYT and Sichuan, we emphasize that introducing is just for improving and creating our own new breeding system, for example, we introduced winter/spring method from CIMMYT but now we modified it into winter/spring/ /sp ring, or CIMMYT/Sichuan / /Sichuan and these were indicated very helpful breeding pattern in using CIMMYT germplasm in Sichuan; ( IV) formed a scientific research team based on the wheat breeders who know both CIMMYT wheat breeding and Sichuan wheat breeding very well, especially
the young trainees backed from CIMMYT training curse, this is a very important work base for continuing, insistant and successful cooperation
with CIMMYT; and (V) strengthen the exchange of scientists and training the young wheat breeders in CIMMYT to enhance the understanding
of scientists between CIMMYT and Sichuan in their breeding philosorph, breeding strategies, ecologic environments, their breeding materials
and the growth of breeding materials in field, and in this way the scientists of both side can help each other and therefore making the cooperation more effective and smoothly. By year 2006, 19 CIMMYT germplasm derived wheat varieties were released in Sichuan, among them were also released by national level and one was the first commercial common wheat variety in the world derived from a CIMMYT synthetic hexaploid wheat. These new released CIMMYT germplasm derived wheat varieties were performed very well in Sichuan in their resistance to stripe rust by incoporated some new resistant genes, the broken through of breeding for high quality by releasing of the first strong gluten varieties in Sichuan, and the broken through of breeding for high yield potential indicated by a new record of yield of 6.13 t/hm2 in provincial yield trial by new variety chuanmai 42. It is expected that in near future there will be more CIMMYT derived new wheat varieties to be released in Sichuan. A ll of these give us a confident information that CIMMYTgermp lasm and breeding strategies and breeding technologies are now one of the very important factors to create new technologies and develop new type of wheat varieties in Sichuan. For future, the collaboration of Si chuan - CIMMYT on wheat breeding should be continued and strenthened. Recent years, some quite new and more interesting research areas in improving wheat breeding in both side are iditified by CIMMYT and Sichuan scientists, for example, ( i) the development of new breeding materials of high yielding potential with good adaptable type and their genetic studies (may be based on Chuanmai 42) ; ( ii) studies and new varieties development on durable stripe rust resistance in Sichuan, and in particularly the exploitation of new resource of durable resistant new genes (based on present research and some core - germplasm in Sichuan) ; ( iii) screening and developing new breeding materials and varieties of stable performance on high quality characters (particularly for high quality noodles) under Sichuan ecological environments; and ( IV) exploiting the new cultivation systems for high yield with high quality undermore saving, easy operating and more environment protection. To ensure this cooperation could be continuing insistently and maintain more active, more efficient and more fruitful, it is especially important that the training of young scientists from Sichuan in CIMMYT and the exchanging of scientists through some sepcial studies and programs should be continuing and strethening.

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wheat breeding shuttle breeding

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