Knowledge Center Catalog

The influence of recurrent selection on the combining ability of ZPSin S4 population traits in maize. [A short version of master thesis]

Zivanovic, T.B.

The influence of recurrent selection on the combining ability of ZPSin S4 population traits in maize. [A short version of master thesis] - 1997 - Printed

4 tables; 19 ref. Summaries (En, Sr)

Maize population of wide genetic basis (ZPSinS4) was studied and the recurrent selection, based on three progenies of different genetic relatedness (ZPSinS4C1S1 - self pollination, ZPSinS4C1FS - fully related and ZPSinS4C1HS - half related) was carried out. These three progenies were crossed with each other and with two testers in order to examine combining abilities and the efficiency of combined recurrent selection. On the basis of the analysis of variance, combining abilities, heterosis, stability parameters and rank correlation of yield and other traits, it was concluded that combined methods of recurrent selection were more efficient for the improvement of populations per se, while methods based on the single type of progeny were more suitable for increasing the combining abilities and heterosis



Breeding methods
Genetic parameters
Plant genetics and breeding


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