Knowledge Center Catalog

Effects of D-genome chromosomes on crossability of hexaploid triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) with maize

Inagaki, M.N.

Effects of D-genome chromosomes on crossability of hexaploid triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) with maize - 1997 - Printed

Peer-review: Yes - Open Access: Yes|

With the aim of producing polyhaploids of hexaploid triticale, 20 genotypes from a CIMMYT breeding programme and eight D-genome chromosome substitution lines of 'Rhino' were crossed with maize. In crosses between 20 triticale genotypes and maize, 15 lines produced embryos. Frequencies of embryo formation ranged from 0.0 to 5.4%, with an average of 1.1%. From a total of 200 pollinated spikes, 62 plants were regenerated. Most regenerated plants were polyhaploids with 21 chromosomes, and few aneuhaploids with 22 chromosomes were found. In crosses of triticale substitution lines with maize, all the lines produced embryos, while 'Rhino' produced no embryos at all. Higher frequencies of embryo formation were obtained in substitution lines with chromosomes 2D and 4D. These results suggest that D-genome chromosomes in a triticale genetic background have the effect of increasing the frequency of polyhaploid production in triticale x maize crosses.


1439-0523 (Revista en electrónico)

Embryo culture
Genetic inheritance
Research projects
Zea mays
Plant breeding


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