Knowledge Center Catalog

Nawozenie azotem i ilosci wysiewu jako czynniki zwiekszajace plon ziarna pszenicy ozimej

Piech, M

Nawozenie azotem i ilosci wysiewu jako czynniki zwiekszajace plon ziarna pszenicy ozimej Nitrogen fertilization and sowing rate as factors of winter wheat yield increase - 1984 - Printed

Summaries (En, Ru)

In the four year field experiment three wheat varieties: Grana, Maria Hunstman and Beta were compared at three fertilization levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg N per hectare) and three sowing rates (400, 600 and 800 germinating seeds per 1 sq.m). The Maria Hunstman variety gave the highest yields at the fertilization rate of N 150, the Beta and Grana varieties - at N 100. An optimum sowing rate amounted for Maria Huntsman to 400 seeds, for Beta and Grana - to 600-800 seeds per 1 sq.m


83-01-05581-2. ISSN 0084-5477

Application rates
Crop yield
Seeding rates
Winter wheat
Nitrogen fertilizers


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