Knowledge Center Catalog

Evidence for genotypic selection in wheat during the development of recombinant inbred lines by anther culture and single seed descent

Snape, J.W.

Evidence for genotypic selection in wheat during the development of recombinant inbred lines by anther culture and single seed descent Prova della selezione genotipica nel grano durante lo sviluppo di linee consanguinee ricombinanti da coltivazione di antere e discendenza da singoli semi - 1992 - Printed

3 tables; 1 graph; 15 ref. Summary (En) Peer-review: No - Open Access: No

In exploiting rapid generation advancement procedures in cereals it is important to establish whether the genetical variation released in recombinant populations is at random relative to the expected genotypic distributions. To this end, populations of doubled haploid (DH) lines derived by anther culture, and single seed descent (SSD) lines derived by recurrent selfing, from two wheat crosses were evaluated, and compared to each other and the parental lines, for variation for a range of agronomic characters. The results indicated that selection for fitness traits (biomass, grain yield, ear weight) had operated on the SSD population



Agronomic characters
Anther culture
Cereal crops
Crop yield
Genetic variation
Plant breeding


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