Geneticka varijabilnost i naslednost broja redova na klipu i duzine zrna kukuruza (Zea mays L.)
Kojic, L.
Geneticka varijabilnost i naslednost broja redova na klipu i duzine zrna kukuruza (Zea mays L.) Genetic variability and inheritance of ear row number and kernel deepness in maize (Zea mays L.) - 1985 - Printed
3 graphs; 7 tables; 9 ref. Summary (En)
The analyses of the data obtained in this investigation have shown that genes having additive and non-additive effects participate in the inheritance of the number of rows in a maize cob. The calculated rate of domination value has shown that there is partial domination in the inheritance of the number of rows in a cob. The frequency of the positive genes has been greater than that of the negative ones for the investigated property. The value of the dominant component is much higher than the additive one for the seed length
Dominant genes
Inheritance genetics
Zea mays
Geneticka varijabilnost i naslednost broja redova na klipu i duzine zrna kukuruza (Zea mays L.) Genetic variability and inheritance of ear row number and kernel deepness in maize (Zea mays L.) - 1985 - Printed
3 graphs; 7 tables; 9 ref. Summary (En)
The analyses of the data obtained in this investigation have shown that genes having additive and non-additive effects participate in the inheritance of the number of rows in a maize cob. The calculated rate of domination value has shown that there is partial domination in the inheritance of the number of rows in a cob. The frequency of the positive genes has been greater than that of the negative ones for the investigated property. The value of the dominant component is much higher than the additive one for the seed length
Dominant genes
Inheritance genetics
Zea mays