Knowledge Center Catalog

Embryogenesis from cultured immature inflorescences and nodes of Lolium multiflorum

Dale, P.J.

Embryogenesis from cultured immature inflorescences and nodes of Lolium multiflorum - 1981 - Printed

18 ref.; Summary (En) Peer-review: Yes - Open Access: Yes|

When cultured on agar-solidified media (based on Murashige and Skoog's formula), immature inflorescences and nodes of Lolium multiflorum underwent several different pathways of morphogenesis. The pathway expressed was dependent upon the type of explant, its age and the composition of the culture medium. Immature inflorescences generally produced either leaves and roots or embryoids whereas nodes produced axillary shoots or embryoids. Embryogenesis from both explant sources occurred from a firm, white, opaque, proliferating tissue. The embryoids could be cultured individually and induced to produce plantlets capable of transfer to


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