Osservazioni citologiche ed isto-anatomiche in coleoptili e radichette di Zea mays L. provenienti da cariossidi trattate con citocalasina B
Aromano, B.
Osservazioni citologiche ed isto-anatomiche in coleoptili e radichette di Zea mays L. provenienti da cariossidi trattate con citocalasina B Cytological and histo-anatomical observations on the Zea mays L. coleoptiles and rootlets belonging to caryopses treated with cytochalasin B - 1979 - Printed
4 tables; 5 graphs; Summaries (En, Fr, It)
The effect of the CB on the Zea mays L. coleoptiles and rootlets from caryopses treated with this substance was studied. The CB causes a growth slowing of the coleoptile and rootlet cells and an increased diameter and thickness of the coleptiles
Plant structure
Zea mays
Osservazioni citologiche ed isto-anatomiche in coleoptili e radichette di Zea mays L. provenienti da cariossidi trattate con citocalasina B Cytological and histo-anatomical observations on the Zea mays L. coleoptiles and rootlets belonging to caryopses treated with cytochalasin B - 1979 - Printed
4 tables; 5 graphs; Summaries (En, Fr, It)
The effect of the CB on the Zea mays L. coleoptiles and rootlets from caryopses treated with this substance was studied. The CB causes a growth slowing of the coleoptile and rootlet cells and an increased diameter and thickness of the coleptiles
Plant structure
Zea mays