Knowledge Center Catalog

Osmotic and specific effects of magnesium sulphate on the mineral content of Zea mays

Sanchez Conde, M.P.

Osmotic and specific effects of magnesium sulphate on the mineral content of Zea mays - 1980 - Printed

19 ref.; Summary (En) Peer-review: Yes - Open Access: Yes|

The effects which the osmotic pressures 2.0, 3.5 and 5.0 atm., obtained by the addition of either magnesium sulphate or PEG-4000 to the standard nutrient solution, have on the development and mineral content of Zea mays var. INIA 8302 are assessed. The osmotic effect causes a greater absorption of cations, potassium being the element most readily absorbed. The specific effect of magnesium sulphate causes a decrease in the total of anions and in the water content of the plant and partly offsets the decrease which the osmotic effect produces in the fresh weight


1573-5036 (Revista en electrónico)

Zea mays


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