Knowledge Center Catalog

Interrelationships and plasticity of growth parameters in Zea mays L. populations as influenced by density and nitrogen [Leaf Area Index, Leaf Area Duration, Net Assimilation Rate, Crop Growth Rate, Maize]

Elias, J.E.

Interrelationships and plasticity of growth parameters in Zea mays L. populations as influenced by density and nitrogen [Leaf Area Index, Leaf Area Duration, Net Assimilation Rate, Crop Growth Rate, Maize] Effet de la densite de peuplement et de l' azote sur les modifications dynamiques et la plasticite d' un certain nombre de caracteres lors de la croissance chez le mais [LAI, LAD, NAR, CGR] - 1979 - Printed

5 graphs; 2 tables; 22 ref. Summaries (De, En, Fr)



Zea mays


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