Uticaj temperature na zastupljenost endogenih materija rastenja tipa auksina u mladih biljaka kukuruza razlicite otpornosti prema niskim temperaturama
Zaric, Lj.
Uticaj temperature na zastupljenost endogenih materija rastenja tipa auksina u mladih biljaka kukuruza razlicite otpornosti prema niskim temperaturama Effect of temperature on the content of auxin type of endogenous growth substances in maize seedlings of varying resistance to low temperatures - 1978 - Printed
Thesis (Dr. in Agricultural Sciences). 56 ref. Summary (En). A part of the thesis
Zea mays
Uticaj temperature na zastupljenost endogenih materija rastenja tipa auksina u mladih biljaka kukuruza razlicite otpornosti prema niskim temperaturama Effect of temperature on the content of auxin type of endogenous growth substances in maize seedlings of varying resistance to low temperatures - 1978 - Printed
Thesis (Dr. in Agricultural Sciences). 56 ref. Summary (En). A part of the thesis
Zea mays