Knowledge Center Catalog

Calculating levels of protection : is it always appropriate to use world reference prices based on current trading status?

Byerlee, D.

Calculating levels of protection : is it always appropriate to use world reference prices based on current trading status? - United Kingdom : Elsevier, 1993. - Printed Computer File

Peer review Peer-review: Yes - Open Access: Yes|

Protection measures such as the nominal protection coefficient (NPC), the effective protection coefficient (EPC), the producer subsidy equivalent (PSE), and the consumer subsidy equivalent (CSE) are conventionally calculated using world reference prices based on current trading status. Under certain conditions, the conventional approach can lead to incorrect estimation of the degree and sometimes even the direction of protection. This paper spells out the conditions under which use of world reference prices based on current trading status is incorrect and presents data for wheat in Pakistan to illustrate how failure to consider these conditions can lead to misleading policy recommendations.

Text in English


Consumer prices
Marketing policies
Price policies
Producer prices

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