Knowledge Center Catalog

Take-all inoculum: Its occurrence and distribution within a wheat crop and afallow

Cotterill, P.J.

Take-all inoculum: Its occurrence and distribution within a wheat crop and afallow - 1987 - Printed

Peer-review: Yes - Open Access: Yes| Tables, references p. 222

Inoculum levels of take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) inwheat soils were significantly reduced in fallow soils in comparison with levelsin cropped soils at anthesis. Inoculum levels in the cropped soils did not change significantly throughout the growing season. Infectivity of G. graminis within drill rows in cropped soil was greater than between rows or in fallow soil. The reduction in inoculum levels in the fallow soil is attributed to the lack of live roots to maintain the inoculum bank during the parasitic phase of the fungus.


Fallow systems
Gaeumannomyces graminis
Plant diseases
Triticum aestivum

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