Transformation of applied potassium in relation to its availability in calcareous soil
Singh, K.D.N.
Transformation of applied potassium in relation to its availability in calcareous soil - 1986 - Printed
A field experiment was conducted to investigate transformation of applied K in relation to its availability in calcareous soil. Soil application of KCl and K2SO4 as source of potassium was found equally beneficial for maize yield. Splitapplication of KCl and K2SO4 in soil was found superior to foliar spray of K2SO4. The largest fraction of applied K was transformed in non-exchangeable form followed by exchangeable and water soluble form. Positive and significant correlation of water soluble K with exchangeable K (r exchangeable K (r regression equations explain 61.0, 76.6 and 78.6% of variability in the uptake of K by maize at knee high, tasseling
Calcareous soils
Foliar application
Nutrient uptake
Split dressings
Statistical analysis
Yield factors
Zea mays
Transformation of applied potassium in relation to its availability in calcareous soil - 1986 - Printed
A field experiment was conducted to investigate transformation of applied K in relation to its availability in calcareous soil. Soil application of KCl and K2SO4 as source of potassium was found equally beneficial for maize yield. Splitapplication of KCl and K2SO4 in soil was found superior to foliar spray of K2SO4. The largest fraction of applied K was transformed in non-exchangeable form followed by exchangeable and water soluble form. Positive and significant correlation of water soluble K with exchangeable K (r exchangeable K (r regression equations explain 61.0, 76.6 and 78.6% of variability in the uptake of K by maize at knee high, tasseling
Calcareous soils
Foliar application
Nutrient uptake
Split dressings
Statistical analysis
Yield factors
Zea mays