Knowledge Center Catalog

Eficiencia de cinco especies de afidos en al transmision del virus del enanismo amarillo de la cebada (VEAC)

Celis, M.A.

Eficiencia de cinco especies de afidos en al transmision del virus del enanismo amarillo de la cebada (VEAC) - 1983 - Printed

Tables, literature cited p. 263

Greenhouse studies in Chile with the barley cultivars Coast Black and Clintland 60 on the efficiency of Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.), Schizaphis graminum (Rond.), Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), R. maidis (Fitch), and Sitobion avenae (F.) as vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus showed that the first 3 species transmitted the virus with 70-100% efficiency, and the last 2 with only 36-56% efficiency. Some evidence of interaction between the virus-vector complexand the cultivar was obtained.


Barley yellow dwarf virus

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